All Saints’ Day
John 11:17-37
by Andrew Daughters

“Jesus wept.” Had he not heard that big boys never cry? He wept with Mary as she told how Lazarus came to die. He wept with her. His heart was touchedto see her weeping there. And, as he wept, his weeping said her sorrow he would share. He did not say, “Be brave and strong,”and thus condemn her tears. He worried not that he was seenas sharing in her fears. If Jesus was so sensitive to Mary’s dreadful loss, I wonder how he bore so well the torture of the cross.

If Jesus thus could weep and did not try his tears to hide, I wonder why we try to keepour tears of love inside. And I believe that Jesus weeps for human anguish knownthroughout the world by those in pain. He makes their pain his own. If I would then be Christ-like and would follow in his way, I too may weep with others as I share with them today.

C.S.S. Publishing Company, A GOSPEL TREASURY, by Andrew Daughters