All Night Vigil
by Phillip Yancy
A few years ago, a congregation in inner-city Chicago planned an all-night prayer vigil. Because of the high crime rate in their neighborhood, many church members suggested hiring security guards to protect them during the vigil. Yet the ones who were least afraid and most excited about the vigil were the senior citizens of the church. To everyone’s surprise, they offered to stay all night for the vigil, too. One elderly lady remarked that there wasn’t much for the older members to do in the church. They didn’t have the energy, or the good health, or the education that the younger members had. But they had faith and they had time, and they would be happy to spend all night in the church praying. This was a contribution they knew they could make, and so they would do it wholeheartedly.
Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, Reaching for the Invisible God, by Phillip Yancy