Acres of Diamonds
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

There is a story called, "Acres of Diamonds." It is about an African farmer who hears that some have made millions by discovering diamond mines. In his excitement, he sells his farm and uses the money to travel all across the continent of Africa in search of diamonds. But the former farmer never finds his fortune, and he dies as a poverty-stricken, heart-broken man. But it just so happens that the fellow who purchased the farm from the fortune seeker was one day crossing a stream on his newly acquired property when he found a big, beautiful rock. The fellow placed this strange rock on the fireplace mantel. Several weeks later a visitor noticed the rock and just about fell over. He recognized that this wasn't just an ordinary rock; it was a diamond. In fact, it happened to be one of the largest diamonds ever to be found. And the farm turned out to be one of the most productive diamond mines in all of Africa.

J. Matthew Miles