A Visionary Moment
Mark 9:2-13
by Edward F. Markquart

One of my favorite stories about the United Nations is the story about Dag Hammarskjold, who was Secretary General of the UN many years ago in about 1961. Many of us like his book entitled, MARKINGS. MARKINGS is Hammarskjold's notes of his life as Secretary General of the United Nations but it is also a spiritual diary of his spiritual journey. Hammarskjold was a mystic, believing in the mystery of life and the mysteriousness of God. In his diary, he wrote the following words:

"Summoned to carry it; alone to assay it; chosen to suffer it; free to deny it. I saw for one moment the sail in the sun storm, far off on a wave crest, bearing from land. For one moment, I saw…."  I love those words, "From that moment, I saw the sail in the sun storm, I saw." And he continued, "From that moment, when I said Yes to Someone, I knew for sure that my life, in self surrender, had meaning and had a goal." 

That may be true for you as well. Where you had a moment when you said yes to Someone [point up when you say Someone], a visionary moment in your life, maybe you cannot pinpoint the exactness of the time of that moment, but you knew that your life, in self surrender, had a meaning and a goal. You knew that God had called you for a purpose, for a destiny in this world, and that you surrendered yourself to a purpose larger than yourself.

Visions on a Mountaintop, by Edward F. Markquart