A Vision of True Love
Matthew 17:1-13
by Edward F. Markquart

Visions have great clarity. One of the oldest members of his church, Al was at the retirement center, the Good Samaritan, with his wife Cora, demented through Alzheimer's. Old Man Lunde, as he was affectionately called, would go to the retirement center every day with a bowl of ice cream to give to his wife of many decades. By the time that Al drove from his home over to the retirement center, the ice cream would be melted. Old Man Lunde took that melted ice cream on a spoon and fed Cora as if she were a newborn baby bird. As he put the melted ice cream into her mouth and patted her on the cheek, there was no haze, no fog, no trees. What was seen was the genuine love of God between a man and a woman. Their love was true and that quality of love was from God. It was a vision. True love…in the flesh…right before the eyes of anyone witnessing the moment. Holiness. Pure holiness. Goodness. Pure goodness. It's a love that anyone should want in their marriage.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Visions on a Mountaintop, by Edward F. Markquart