A View From the Other Window
Genesis 6:1-8:22

When the whole world was threatened with destruction, Noah built an ark. His big boat had just one window. Where was it? Not in the bottom where he would have to look into the dark and muddy water. Not on the side where he would have to look out into the surrounding storm. But on top where he could look up. Up - to where, as the storm would abate, he could catch the first available glimpse of blue. Up - in the direction of hope. Up - to God.

From our point of living, we look out through various windows. Sometimes we must look down into the murky depths. Sometimes we must look out into the frightful storm. But always we need that other window, the one on top, the one from which we can look up to God.

Today it is through this window we look. In many times and circumstances we must of necessity look upon scenes that are dismal and dark. But in the worship of God we look from a different window. And, looking, may we know that, however deep the waters and however severe the storm, God is there above it all.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc,