A Unifying Force
Mt 21:1-11
by King Duncan

It is sad when religion becomes a divisive influence rather than a unifying one. I read recently about the funeral procession of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Journalist Arthur Godfrey told of a man who took a taxi from a hotel, bound for Union Station, and was delayed by the funeral procession. He instructed his driver to pull over while he got out to watch the solemn procession go by. His driver got out as well to pay his respects. The two men stood bareheaded and mournful for a long time, then resumed the drive to the station. There the passenger asked, "What do I owe you?" "Two bits," the driver answered. "Your meter must be out of kilter," said the passenger. "We must have been standing out there an hour at least." The driver reminded him, "Mister, he was my president, too."

It is a beautiful event that brings people together. Love for God ought to do that. That is why the first commandment is to love God. There is one trait that we share with all the world's people. We all have the same Creator and Sustainer.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan