A Time for Kneeling

In Copenhagen, Denmark, stands a most beautiful statue, "The Christus." Done a century and a half ago by Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvalsden, this marble interpretation of Christ is one of the world's masterpieces of the sculptor's art.

It is said that when the statue was first shown, there was considerable consternation among some who saw it. Somehow, something about it seemed not to be right; it was as though some essential quality was not there.

Then Thorvalsden explained: "You cannot see His face unless you kneel at His feet." And so it was. And so it is: the statue is so artfully designed that, really to see it, one must kneel and look up. It is not really seen by merely walking by.

So it is with our life: there are many things which call for more than a passing glance. One does not get a disciple's feel for Christ by casually strolling by.

And so we have worship. We need it - a time to pause and ponder, a time for kneeling and looking up.

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