A Tale of Two Faiths
Mark 5:21-43
by J. David Hoke

In the story of the dead girl and the sick woman, we have a tale of two faiths. Faith can either be for yourself, as in the case of the woman with the hemorrhage of blood, or faith can be for others, to impart blessing to them, as in the case of Jairus' daughter. This is the kind of faith which imparts. It is the kind of faith which enables others to be what they can be in Jesus Christ.

Lloyd John Ogilvie, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Hollywood, California, tells the story of sitting on the platform with Billy Graham at a celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his crusades. Billy said to him, "I could not preach with power nor lead anyone to Christ if it were not for the positive prayers for the blessing of God by thousands of believing people." Just before Billy got up to preach Ogilvie said to him, "I'm praying for you, Billy!" Graham responded with a flash in his clear blue eyes, "I need that more than anything in all the world!"

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Responses of Faith, by J. David Hoke