A Symphony of Teamwork
Mk 1:14-20; Rom 12:4
by King Duncan

There was an interesting article in National Geographic about the Mbuti men of central Africa, also known as Pygmies. These small people have a unique way of making music and reinforcing social bonds. The men whittle musical pipes out of soft wood. But each pipe is only able to play a single note. One man may whittle a pipe that can play an A flat; another may whittle a pipe that plays a D, another plays an F sharp.

Because each man can only play one note, all the men must work together to create music. If one man is missing from the group, the music is noticeably different, lacking in harmony and richness that results when all the men are playing together.

What a magnificent metaphor for the church. Imagine that every member of our fellowship had a flute that played one note. The only way we can produce a symphony would be if every member shows up and does his or her part.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan