A Story of Meeting Christ
Eph 5:1-21
by Michael Card

Let me tell you of someone who knows about the Spirit of God invading a life. This story is told by Michael Card in his book, Immanuel.  It is about Joseph, a tall, slender Massai warrior in Kenya. Some time ago he met a man along a dusty African road who told him the story of Christ. Joseph became a believer and rejoiced in the "Jesus story."  Joseph became a fiery witness, to the point that he later made the long journey from Africa to Amsterdam for an Evangelism conference with Billy Graham. His greatest hope was to meet Graham in person.  A staff member named Robert was so struck by Joseph's story that he made it possible for Joseph to tell his conversion experience to Dr. Graham. You need to hear Joseph's story in his own words:

"After I met Jesus, I was so excited that I just knew everyone in my village would be happy to meet him also. So I went door-to-door telling everyone I met about the cross of Jesus and the salvation it offered.  To my amazement my people not only didn't care, they became hostile.  The men held me to the ground while the women began beating me with barbed wire. I was dragged from the village and left to die in the bush."  Joseph somehow managed to crawl to a water hole, and there, after two days of passing in and out of consciousness, found he had the strength to get up. He was puzzled about the hostile reception from family and friends whom he had known all his life. "I decided that I must have left something important out of the story I told them about Jesus. So I practiced it over and over, then limped back to tell them the good news. I went again, from hut-to-hut telling about Jesus who died for us so we might find forgiveness and know the living God. Again they held me down and I was beaten, opening anew the former wounds. They dragged me unconscious outside the camp and I was left for dead. I woke up two days later, scarred and bruised, but still alive. For the third time I went back into my home village and started to witness. But they were waiting for me. I was set upon, thrown to the ground and as the beatings began I passed out. When I awakened this time I was in my own bed. The folks who had been whipping on me had now become my nurses. Everyone in my village had become a believer in Christ." After telling Billy Graham his story, Joseph lifted his colorful African shirt and showed his scars.  Afterward, Billy said to his staff, "I'm not worthy to untie his shoes, and he wanted to meet me?"  

Because most of us have been brought up in the church, we may not realize that there is more to faith than simply going through our normal religious routines, as important as they are. Christ has promised us a comforter, an encourager, someone who will fill us with new excitement about our lives so that we may more easily translate our good intentions into positive actions. Paul tells us to use our head. He tells us to open our hearts to God's Spirit so that we will have power for the living of our lives. 

ChristianGlobe Network, ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Michael Card