A Southern Gentleman
by Michael P. Green

A well-known incident in the life of Robert E. Lee occurred while that southern gentleman was riding on a train to Richmond. The general was seated at the rear, and all the other places were filled with officers and soldiers. An elderly woman, poorly dressed, entered the coach at one of the stations. Having no seat offered to her, she trudged down the aisle to the back of the car. Immediately, Lee stood up and gave her his place. One man after another then arose to give the general his seat. “No, gentlemen,” he said, “if there is none for this lady, there can be none for me!”

Being a Christian, General Lee knew that good manners and humility demand consideration for people in all walks of life, not merely for those of high social ranking like himself.

Baker Books, 1500 Illustrations for Biblical Preaching, by Michael P. Green