A Sight of the Captain's Face
by Staff

That gentle and remarkable man of literature and faith, Robert Louis Stevenson, has given us the inspiring story of a ship in a severe storm at sea. The passengers, huddled in the darkness below decks, were in awful fear for their lives. At last, they chose one of their number to go topside and learn what he could about their situation and their chances.

Reaching the forward deck, this man stood a few moments looking up to the bridge where the captain at the wheel was struggling against the storm. The captain, seeing him there, turned briefly to him and smiled reassuringly. The man returned quickly to the others below, saying to them, "I have seen the face of the pilot, and he smiled. All is well."

Here, my friends, as we are in worship together, whatever storms may surge about us, let us look up and try to see our Pilot's face. Whatever uncertainties may plague us, whatever fears afflict us, our Pilot is at the helm: of this you can be absolutely certain. So, in this hour, let us look up to him and know that he will see us through.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, by Staff