[Note: Written by Rev. Russell N. Gallimore, from the Viewpoint of the Innkeeper. To be given from memory. Possible props: a stool; a manger before which to kneel at end of story]
Would you allow me to be personal? I have an unusual story to tell, and I delight in telling it. My work brings me into contact with many people. In fact, I deal with all kinds of people from the humblest country folk to the highest officials.
But the event I most vividly recall happened at one of the year's peak seasons. Our country's leader had felt that additional taxes were needed for us to meet our budget, so he had urged all local citizens to have their names registered at the polls, so they could be duly taxed. Of course, this meant many thousands had to make their way across the countryside to the city which represented their political interests.
I recall the weather...still cool...although the fresh smell of spring was in the air. Grass was even good enough for limited grazing on the nearby hillsides. And the days...rather pleasant, but I must admit the nights were somewhat chilly.
But one night in particular stands out in my memory. It seems that the crowds had been unusually large that day. And many had come by seeking lodging for the night, as they lived at too great a distant to return home for bedtime. Already I had turned dozens away to seek shelter elsewhere. [If stool is used, sit here] Exhausted, I had dozed off at the register's counter when I was awakened by a gentle "tap-tap-tapping" on the counter-top. "Coming to" with a start, I made out the figure of a young couple, standing in the lingering shadows of the lamp light.
"May I help you?" I asked, [jumping-up and off of stool].
As the young man stood by his pretty companion, he began to speak in a low, trembling voice: "Do you have room for....?"
"Room!" I blurted bluntly. "No! No!" There's no room here. You should have come earlier, or at least sent me word. You'll have to go elsewhere!"
Plopping back down on my stool [sit on stool], I was prepared to continue my nap, when, much to my surprise, the young man spoke again:
"But Sir, you've got to have room!”
Angrily I jumped up and shouted at him [arise from stool], "I don't have to have anything. I've already told you I can't take care of you, so beat it! I've gotta get some rest!"
But patiently and kindly he responded, "Sir, please…my wife is “expecting” a baby right away. We’ve tried everywhere. All the rooms are full. Can’t you give her someplace? Please?”
Looking closer, I noticed that the young man spoke the truth about his wife, and then I began to really feel sorry for them. I thought for a moment [scratching my head], then I said, “Well, you do need a place to stay. If you’re not too choosy, I believe I can provide something for you. Come with me!”
So I led them to a cobweb-covered cattle-cave nearby. It wasn’t the best of surroundings, I must confess, but it did offer some shelter from the cold and some privacy. Though I considered it the meagerest of offerings, the man was overjoyed and couldn’t stop thanking me for my kindness. I told him he could settle up with me the next morning. I left and went back to my stool and soon forgot all about them as I dozed off into dreamland.
Lost in the midst of dream castles in my peaceful slumber, I was again awakened, this time rudely, by a rather loud “Rap-rap-rapping” at the door. Jumping up and hastily pacing to the door, I was greeted by three sheepherders. They apologized profusely for stirring me from my sleep. It was rather obvious from the start that they weren’t interested in a room. Then they went on to explain why they had come, the best I recall, they told this fantastic story:
"Sir," they said, "we were watching over our flocks out on the hillsides nearby, when 'Lo, an angel of the Lord appeared unto us, and the glory of the Lord shone around us, and we were really afraid. And then the angel said to us, ‘Don't be afraid, for behold I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.’
Each of us looked at the other in amazement and wondered if the angel knew what he were talking about, when he continued: ‘Now listen to me, men: this shall be a sign for you Look! Yonder in the East...there in the East is a brightly shining star; follow that star and you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.’ He had no more than finished, sir, when suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.’
Immediately we rejoiced at the sight of the star. So we said to one another, 'Let's go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known unto us.' And so we came with haste, sir, following the star, and you know, its light appears to fall over your place here. So we...well. . .we wondered if you could tell us anything about the Christ-child?"
It seemed like a fantastic story to me at first. I couldn’t recall anything about a baby connected to my business…after all, I wasn’t running a hospital, much less a maternity ward. But they insisted I must know something. Since they seemed so intent no finding out more, I quickly recalled the guests I had bedded down for the night. And then it dawned on me…I had led a couple who were expecting an addition to the family to the cattle-cave.
“Oh, yes!” I exclaimed, “Maybe I do know something about the baby. Come with me!” Excitedly, I led them to the meager place, and lo and behold! We exclaimed in unison, ‘It’s a baby crying!’
Rushing in, we found it just as the shepherds had said, a newborn babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger [move toward manger, if used as a prop]. Then the shepherds, one by one, knelt down beside the manger in such a humble manner. I can’t really explain what happened to me after that, but somehow I was touched and moved to kneel beside that manger, too!
[Kneeling while speaking] Not only had a baby been born near my place of business, but strangely, I felt this babe had also been born in my heart! [Arising] Oh, incidentally, I never did settle up with that couple for the night’s lodging. I just felt I had been more than repaid with the unsearchable riches of Christ!
That’s my story. How often it comes to mind! Just think! I almost had no room for the Christ! And as I have reflected on that across the years, it seems to me something of a parable of the human predicament: so often people exclude the Christ from the inn of their hearts! How about you? Have you made room for the Christ?
[Turn toward the congregation and begin to move away from manger]
Oh, one other thing…I think I forgot to introduce myself. I’m the innkeeper!