by John H. Krahn

Every human being experiences many wonderful miracles every day. Unfortunately, most of us do not recognize them. But just what is a miracle? A miracle is something extraordinary that happens which is not easily explained. It is a stroke of God’s divine genius which adds specialness to ordinary life.

I enjoy photography. Often as I look at books of photographs I am amazed that most of the truly renowned pictures are of commonplace things. I feel that I could have taken that picture and become famous too! Perhaps I could have taken the magnificent picture, but first I would have had to notice how great it was. This is the problem. The renowned pictures, God’s miracles, are there every day of our lives, but our eyes are not open to see them.

Why don’t we see these miracles that are happening all the time in the most common places? Remember the last time you went on vacation? Coming home, the same old house looks different when you first walk in the door. Why? Because a blanket of daily anxieties, fears, depressions, problems, and difficulties were temporarily lifted while you were away.

During his annual physical, a friend of mine was shocked to learn that he had a disease which would claim his life in less than a year. A month later, the doctor realized he had made a mistake in his diagnosis, and my friend, Art, was told he would live. Although the doctor’s error caused many negative feelings during the month after the initial diagnosis, it also had its positive side. Art later reflected, "I began to see the beauty of God’s creation in a way I hadn’t seen it before. With the length of my life now limited, I began to make the most out of every moment." Art continues to discover God’s miracles every day.

What blinds us to the beauty of a budding tree, the ever-changing formations of interesting clouds, or a spring rain making small circles in a mud puddle, is the toil of daily living. God is performing miracles every day, but we are so caught up in ourselves and our problems that we can no longer see the beautiful robin perched in the tree.

Waking up each morning, we need to really open our eyes to God’s miraculous world. If we do, we will discover the miracle that awaits us every day. Looking a little harder, we may even find two.

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., Seasonings For Sermons, Vol. III, by John H. Krahn