A Love Let Loose
Luke 24:1-12
by Rev. Dr. B. Wiley Stephens

John Mansfield, in his play “The Trial of Jesus,” pictures Pilate’s wife remaining in the judgment hall long after everybody else had left the scene of Christ’s crucifixion. Finally, a soldier who had taken part in the crucifixion comes in, and she asks him, “Is he dead yet?”

The soldier shakes his head and says, “No, lady, he is not dead.”

She questions him further, “But surely he is dead, he has been hanging there so long now.”

And the soldier replies, “No, lady, he is not dead. His love is let loose in the world now, and neither Jew nor Roman can stop him.”
ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Rev. Dr. B. Wiley Stephens