A Job and A Ministry
Mark 1:14-20
by Michael D. Powell

Do you have a job in this church and this community . . . or do you have a ministry? There is a difference!

  • If you are doing it because no one else will, it's a job. If you're doing it to serve the Lord, it's a ministry.
  • If you're doing it just well enough to get by, it's a job. If you're doing it to the best of your ability, it's a ministry.
  • If you'll do it only so long as it doesn't interfere with other activities, it's a job. If you're committed to staying with it even when it means letting go of other things, it's a ministry.
  • If you quit because no one praised you or thanked you, it was a job. If you stay with it even though no one seems to notice, it's a ministry.
  • If you do it because someone else said that it needs to be done, it's a job. If you are doing it because you are convinced it needs to be done, it's a ministry.
  • It's hard to get excited about a job. It's almost impossible not to get excited about a ministry.
  • If your concern is success, it's a job. If your concern is faithfulness, it's a ministry.
  • People may say "well done" when you do your job. The Lord will say "well done" when you complete your ministry.
  • An average church is filled with people doing jobs. A great church is filled with people involved in ministry!
  • If God calls you to a ministry, for heaven's sake (literally) don't treat it like a job. If you have a job in the church, give it up and find a ministry! God doesn't want us feeling stuck in a job, but excited, fulfilled, and faithful in a specific ministry.

May God bless and empower us as disciples of Jesus Christ, called to be in the ministry of this church and community. Amen.

ChristianGlobe Network, ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Michael D. Powell