A Growing Surprise
Mark 9:38-41
by Donald B. Strobe

The name of E. Stanley Jones is familiar to most long-time Methodists. He was a missionary-evangelist who traveled around the world for many, many years, especially in India, proclaiming the good news of God's love in Jesus Christ. Stanley Jones lived a life of joy and peace which came from his faith. In the ninth decade of his life he set pen to paper and wrote his autobiography titled A Song of Ascents.  (New York and Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1968) In his introduction, he says, "How did it all happen? I asked myself that question as I sat in a hotel room in Alaska writing. I looked up and saw myself in a looking glass and said to myself, ‘Stanley Jones, you're a very happy man, aren't you?' I replied, ‘Yes, I am.' And then the vital question: ‘How did you get this way?' And my reply: ‘I don't know. It is all a surprise to me, a growing surprise. I walked across a field one day, and I stubbed my toe against the edge of a treasure chest, jutting out of the earth. ‘It's treasure,' I cried. Ran off and sold all that I had, including myself, and bought that field; and I've been hugging myself ever since that I had sense enough to do it!'" (p. 24) Go thou and do likewise.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Donald B. Strobe