A Good Judge of Character
Lk 7:36-50
by King Duncan

A certain young woman was nervous about meeting her boyfriend's parents for the first time. As she checked out her appearance one last time, she noticed that her shoes looked dingy. So she gave them a fast swipe with the paper towel she had used to blot the bacon she had for breakfast.

Arriving at the impressive home, she was greeted by the parents and their much-beloved, but rotten-tempered, poodle. The dog got a whiff of the bacon grease on the young woman's shoes and followed her around all evening. At the end of the evening, the pleased parents remarked, "Cleo really likes you, dear, and she is an excellent judge of character. We are delighted to welcome you into our little family."

It seems that perhaps Cleo was a better judge of bacon grease than she was a judge of character.

The Pharisees believed that Jesus wasn't a very good judge of character. Think back to our scripture reading for today.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan