A Global Flock
John 10:1-21
by Staff

This is an older illustration, still useful, about the transition to Pope Francis which underscores the changing demographics of the church: As the conclave of Cardinals meet to begin the process of appointing a new pope, it forces us to acknowledge the changes that have swept through the world and certainly through the Catholic Church in the last century.  Much has been written in the last few weeks about Pope John Paul II and his understanding of the media age and globalization.  He understood the importance of traveling, of transmitting his image and message, and of reaching out to all corners of Earth.  Most of the growth of Catholicism in recent decades has taken place outside of Europe.  In the conclave held in 1903, 98% of the Cardinals were from Europe (61% from Italy alone) and only 2% were from North America.  In the conclave to be held in April 2005, 117 Cardinals will be eligible to vote.  50% will be from Europe with a 17% share from Italy.  The Cardinals from North America will make up 12% of the total.  Notice how the rest of the Cardinals cover the entire globe with 18% from Latin America, 9% from Asia, 9% from Africa, and 2% from Oceania. 

This week, Jesus tells us that he is the gate for the sheep.  Let us celebrate the global nature of His flock!

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., with Statistics from the New York Times, April 11, 2005, by Staff