A Diminishing Benediction
by William Goodin

A seminary president told me this story: When candidates are ordained into the ministry, they have one thing to do in the service. At the conclusion of the worship, the candidate stands, walks up the steps into the chancel, turns and gives the benediction. That is their first official act as an ordained pastor. One candidate stood, approached the steps, and ascended. But on the first step, he stepped inside the hem of his robe. Now, the obvious thing to do would be to step back out of the robe, but he didn’t. The poor candidate kept climbing up the steps - all the time walking up the inside of his robe. Each step made him smaller as he was forced to "duck walk" up the inside of his own robe. Finally, at the top of the steps, looking like a dwarf in a white tent, he turned around. His robe could not turn with him, since he was standing inside it. Turning placed the left arm of his robe right in the center of his chest and the right arm between his shoulders. All he could move was his wrist, which he waved as he gave the benediction. When he was done, two ushers came forward, picked him up by the arms, and carried him off like a piece of furniture.

No matter how small we might be the benediction of God is world transforming: Love. Grace. Peace. That is our message. That is our calling. Make it yours no matter how small you might feel.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc, by William Goodin