A Different View
Luke 2:41-52
by Brett Blair

It is entirely possible, and even more probable, that people see you in several different ways. Some may see you as a patient man while others may see you as hot headed. Only you really know the truth. Why do we tend not to not recognize the nature of other people? Perhaps, most of the time, it is a simple case of forgetting. Mary, Jesus' mother, was upset with her son for leaving the caravan and staying behind in Jerusalem. In a moment of anger she lost her head, and said to him, like any mother, "Wait till your father Joseph hears about this! To which Jesus replies, "Didn't you know I would be in MY Father's house."

You know the one about the Lone Ranger and Tonto - his Native American sidekick. They are riding through a Western ravine when suddenly they are ambushed. "Tonto, we're surrounded!" shouts the Lone Ranger. Tonto replies, "What mean WE, white man?"

It is a subtle shift between Mary's "Your father" and Jesus' "My Father." But, when the going gets tough Tonto ain't no white man and when it comes to Jesus' purpose in life, he's no carpenter's son.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair