A Dependable Guide
John 16:5-16
by King Duncan

Pastor Michael Walther tells of listening to a radio program (Focus on the Family) about a famous test pilot. This pilot was flying a fighter jet in bad weather and about to make his instrument approach to an airport. The air traffic controller called and asked how much fuel he had. "Plenty," he said. "Well," the controller said, "we've got a little problem. There's a young pilot who is not instrument rated. He's lost in the clouds, and we were wondering if you could intercept him and lead him back to the airport." "Sure," the pilot responded. He found the lost plane and pulled up beside it. He called on the radio and told the pilot to look out to his left. There the pilot of this small plane saw the powerful fighter jet, and the man burst into tears. As far as he was concerned at that point his life was about over. He would soon run out of fuel and crash. "Don't worry," the test pilot said. "Everything's going to be OK. I'm going to pull in front of you several hundred yards. Do everything I do. When I turn, I'll turn gently. All you have to do is do exactly what I do." So carefully the leader and the follower turned on the course to the airport and slowly descended. When they finally broke through the clouds at 500', the frightened pilot saw the most beautiful sight. There in front of him was the runway, and he was perfectly set up to land.

There are times when we need a guide we can depend on. Where would we be without mentors, coaches, counselors, consultants, when we are engaged in tasks that are beyond our expertise?

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan