A Dangerous Gift
by Dr. Gilbert W. Bowen

Arthur Gordon tells of a 4th of July when he found himself listening to a short patriotic address:

“The speaker talked of our heritage of freedom, how precious it is, and how jealously we ought to guard it. We applauded when he was through. Suddenly as the applause died away, a voice spoke from the crowd: ‘Why don’t you tell them the whole truth?’ Startled we looked around. The words had come from a young man in a tweed jacket with untidy hair and angry eyes. He might have been a college student, poet, Peace Corps worker, almost anything. ‘Why don’t you tell them that freedom is the most dangerous gift anyone can receive? Why don’t you tell them that it’s a two-edged sword that will destroy us unless we learn how to use it and soon. Why don’t you make them see that we face a greater challenge than our ancestors ever did? They only had to fight for freedom. We have to live with it.’”

by Dr. Gilbert W. Bowen