A Cup of Cold water
Matthew 10:40-42
by Larry Klaarn

You may have heard the story, a very old story, behind the Wall Drug Store in Wall, South Dakota. The owners, Ted and Dorothy were having trouble keeping the store afloat. Five years earlier they had moved from another state to buy the store, and now it was going under. That was not unusual in 1936. One day Ted said to Dorothy, what could we do to get some people to stop here and buy something? The only thing Dorothy thought of was to give them a cup of ice-cold water. That might be a nice treat in the middle of South Dakota, in the days before air conditioning. The towns there are few and far between, and people would like the break, and the drink of water. Ted thought it was silly and too expensive, but Dorothy prevailed.

Ted drove a little ways from town in every direction and put up a sign that said "Only twenty miles to Wall Drug Store, and your cup of free ice-water." To Ted's amazement, people were soon lining up for their free drink of water, and more than enough bought an item or two. Then they came up with the idea of paying people anywhere to put up a sign, directing people to the Wall Drug Store. The store was saved, and as you may know, people are still stopping in Wall at the drug store and buying a few things. We did it last year.

The Wall Drug Store still lives off that idea of "free ice-water," although today it is from a drinking fountain in a courtyard, by the stuffed grizzly bear. They still have signs. There's actually one of these signs on Long Island and believe or not there are more out side of the United States. There is one in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on a bus in London, at the Taj Mahal, and at the north and south poles - they all point out the mileage to Wall Drug Store and your glass of free ice water. And yes, the store is still there in Wall, South Dakota today. 

A cup of cold water. Is it really that simple? Jesus says it is, "And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward." Service. Caring for one another. That's the stuff the Kingdom is made of.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Larry Klaarn