A Conquering Army
Acts 2:1-13

Someone has imagined a story of the angel Gabriel meeting Jesus on the day of His ascension into heaven and asking: "How did it go Master, how did it go?"

"It went poorly," said Jesus, "they nailed me to a cross. But I preached the love of God as long as I could."

Then Gabriel asked, "What did you do to see that it would be carried out?"

"I chose twelve," said Jesus, "and I gave them the gospel of God's love for all mankind. I told them to go and tell others."

"But what if they don't do it?" Gabriel asked.

And the story has it that the master said: "Then there is no other way."

It is time that the church recapture that purpose that was given it on Pentecost day. The church today seems to be limping along like a crippled giant when it ought to be marching like a conquering army. I am tired of the church being on the defensive. I am tired of listening to so called avant-garde theologians who have been wrapping black crepe on the church doors and writing its obituary. The church is not dead.

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