A Call to Improve
Matthew 3:13-17
by King Duncan

In a Peanut's comic strip, Lucy is walking along the road with Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown asks her: "Lucy, are you going to make any New Year's resolutions?" Lucy hollers back at him, knocking him off his feet: "What? What for? What's wrong with me now? I like myself the way I am! Why should I change? What in the world is the matter with you, Charlie Brown? I'm all right the way I am! I don't have to improve. How could I improve? How, I ask you? How?"

Most of us know ways in which we can change. With Christ's help we want to initiate a new life. We want to be identified with his message and his ministry. Thus we embrace the way he has indicated. We accept the sacrament of baptism. Why? Because he did and he is the Lord of our life.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan