A Beautiful Day

George W. Mallone tells the story about the youngest son in a family who was asked to say the blessing at breakfast one morning. With his head bowed and his eyes tightly shut, he prayed in a clear, loud voice: "We thank Thee, God, for this beautiful day and for our food. Amen."

Everyone at the table glared at him. The day was not beautiful. It was a miserable day - cold, damp, and dark. His father said sternly, "You must never pray insincerely like that."

An older brother muttered, "What a jerk! Trying to be smart."

And his mother asked, "What do you mean, 'A beautiful day!''?"

As the youngster reached for the strawberry jam, he simply said, "You can't judge a day by its weather."

I like that. "You can't judge a day by its weather." We can choose.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Humor from ChristianGlobe