Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results

Psalm 30:1-12
Bill Bouknight
My maternal grandfather was a railroad engineer and a Presbyterian elder. During the 1930s he had three teenaged children. It was his custom on many Saturday nights to invite all the local teenagers into his large living room for a dance. He would hire a little three-piece band and roll back the rugs. Grandfather was thrilled that the teenaged girls would invite him to dance and then would break i...

Psalm 30:1-12
Leonard Sweet
"No! No! No! No! No!" Our three year old has no doubts about his opinion. Trouble is, he doesn't really know what he is holding this opinion about. But Egil is in de-tox. We are weaning him off two tough habits at once. First, although Egil is unaware of it, we have been gradually decreasing the Phenobarbital he has been on since he was seven months old and seizures began to rack his tiny body aft...

Leonard Sweet
How many of you out there today have "Baptist feet?" I'm not asking how many of you were or are Baptists (though I confess: the Methodists raised me, but the Baptists saved me). I'm asking this: When you find yourself in a social situation which involves music and moving people, do you suddenly freeze to your chair? Wish yourself invisible? Get a sudden urge to go out for fresh air? Remember you ...

Psalm 30:1-12
Maxie Dunnam
Do you have a favorite psalm – other than Psalm 23? Is there a psalm that has spoken to you in a special way? Jerry and I had a wonderful experience about three weeks ago. There is a group of students on our campus who meet together each Sunday evening – they cook a common meal – eat together – then have a time of worship, praise, and prayer. It all began because we don’t serve a meal in the Com...

On October 20 of this year, I will celebrate (God willing) the fourth anniversary of my entrance into what has been called "The Golden Years" of life. I have several friends who seem to feel it is their calling in life to keep reminding me that I fall into that category. Their method, for the most part, consists of forwarding to me via email every list of telltale hints that you’re getting older t...

Maxie Dunnam
It would take very little personal conversation among us this morning to discover the healing, encouraging, strengthening, supporting, comforting power the Psalms have been in our individual lives. A variety and a large number of Psalms would be pointed to as the ones that have ministered to you in a particular time of need. At our Administrative Board meeting two weeks ago, Karla Grant shared he...

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results