Raise your hand if you have ever volunteered for an organization. I’d bet most of you at one time or another have volunteered for a cause you believed in. Maybe you helped collect canned goods for a community kitchen, or tutored a student, or sold Girl Scout cookies, or ran a 5K race for a good cause.
We all have different causes we believe in and motivations for volunteering. But I have trouble ...
And [Jesus] said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." — Luke 10:2
It's a startling fact but true — Jesus and politicians have a lot in common. This no doubt comes as a surprise to those who regard politics as a dirty business, or who think of politicians essentially as liars and who believe ste...
In last week’s lectionary passage (Luke 9:51-56), we were told that Jesus set his face toward Jerusalem. This didn’t mean he was making a beeline toward the city, but it was clear the Holy City was his goal. Many things happened along the way to the cross. He met hundreds of people, taught most of them, and healed many.
He did this by moving from village to village, and town to town. We don’t tal...
Everyone has at one time or another been in a vulnerable place, either physically, emotionally, or spiritually. For many, it’s not a comfortable place unless we are entirely familiar with someone, such as our partner, spouse, or a very best friend. Even then, it’s hard for us to open ourselves up and show our weaknesses, our flaws, or even our most intimate dreams.
Think about it. How many of you...