Showing 1 to 25 of 37 results

Galatians 5:1-15
Robert R. Kopp
The following sermon comes from a series of devotionals centered around the game of Golf. This is not a full sermon for the pulpit. It's been said wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from messing up. So I guess that means the older the wiser is another way of saying it's always easier to tell others the right way to do things after you've done them the wrong way for a long time. May...

Maxie Dunnam
Circumstances sometimes call us to do strange things — things-we would not otherwise do. Circumstances also cause us to do things we should have done but never got around to doing them before, like learning that we might have cancer, might provoke us to write a will. That’s really too serious an illustration for the story I’m about to tell. Two out-of-town visitors were walking along a street in ...

Galatians 5:1-15
Leonard Sweet
There is a paradox at the heart of the Christian faith that we are most free when we are tied to Christ and surrendered to the Spirit. Americans love to celebrate Independence Day, to flaunt their freedom before the whole world. Thomas Jefferson's bold assertion that each individual has an "inalienable right" to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" still sounds sweet to our freedom-loving...

Galatians 5:1-15
Billy D. Strayhorn
One Sunday morning at a Texas prison, a group of inmates were being led to the Catholic and Protestant chapels. One prisoner didn't enter either chapel but kept on walking toward the main gate. A guard caught up with him and asked, "And just where do you think you're going?" The prisoner replied, "I was told I could go to the church of my choice, and it's in Denver!" Aren't we all just like that...

Galatians 5:1-15
April Yamasaki
Free! No obligation, no sales person will call! Free! Don't miss this opportunity! Free! Two sets for the price of one! In the world of advertising, something is free if you don't have to pay for it; if there's no money down, no payments to make; if you get something for nothing — or at least two for the price of one! Galatians 5:1, 13-25 describes a different kind of freedom. It isn't free in th...

Galatians 5:1-15
King Duncan
Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar calls it “stinkin’ thinkin.’” He’s talking about people who approach life with a negative attitude. Do you know anyone like that? Whether or not it’s justified, New York cabdrivers are notorious for having a bad attitude. A man approached one such driver in New York. “Take me to London,” the potential fare said. The cab driver told him that was not possible. He coul...

Galatians 5:1-15
King Duncan
An interesting thing was happening in prisons in Colorado back in 1992 according to an issue of LIFE magazine of that year. Prison officials were perplexed by the growing number of inmates who were choosing to serve out their whole prison sentences rather than bargain for less time at parole hearings. Since Colorado~s prisons are overcrowded, and since parole hearings sometimes result in less time...

King Duncan
What is it that makes a person free? That's certainly an appropriate question for this Fourth of July weekend. What makes us free? By the way, do you know what famous event we will really be commemorating this week? Not sure? A little rusty on your sixth-grade civics? Well you're in good company. According to Chuck Colson, a recent Gallup poll reveals that one out of every four Americans doesn't ...

Galatians 5:1-15
King Duncan
There is a popular story going around about a husband and wife who are discussing their living wills. The husband is adamant about his desires. “Just so you know,” he says, “I would never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If I ever get to that state, I just want you to pull the plug.” His wife thought about this for a moment, got up, unplugged...

King Duncan
Did you know that sometimes there is conflict in a church? It’s true. Churches are made up of people. And people, as we all know, have differing opinions about things. For example, there is evidence that the Apostle Paul wrote the letter to the church of Galatia because certain members of their congregation were stirring up trouble. Surely you would think that couldn’t happen in the church that e...

Maxie Dunnam
There is a story that has been around as long as I have been preaching, so the chances that you have heard it are right good. Even so, I share it. A speaker was scheduled to address some cattlemen. A terrible sleet storm struck on the day of the meeting. When the speaker arrived at the meeting place there were just three men present. The three were seated on the front row of seats — two younger c...

Galatians 5:1-15
Billy D. Strayhorn
Freedom. Freedom is the last word spoken by Mel Gibson in the epic movie Braveheart. It is also the first word spoken when he voiced the character, Rocky, in the claymation movie "Chicken run." I've always liked the irony and humor of that, even though I'm not sure anyone else ever noticed. Freedom, it's what we celebrated with parades and fireworks yesterday. Freedom, it's what makes this Nation...

Leonard Sweet
Before there was the modern science of chemistry, there was its forerunner: the medieval science of alchemy. In the chemistry of alchemy, there was as much superstition and wishful thinking guiding the experiments as there was knowledge and experience. Among the alchemists' most frenzied quests was the search for the touchstone that magical element which would transmute the properties of one baser...

Maxie Dunnam
Not long ago Harry and Penny Johnson came to see us. Many of you know them – they are charter members of this congregation. Harry is working on a profile of the three senior ministers that have preceded Bill Bouknight here at Christ Church. It is a part of a project for the library and the history of the church. He asked me to recall some of my early boyhood experiences. I shared one of my favori...

Galatians 5:1-15
James Merritt
January 6, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt shared with America what has become known as "The Four Freedoms."  He believed that all people should enjoy freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.  Those degrees have been wide achieved in America. Freedom and America are practically synonymous.  America is known as the land of the free.  We have political ...

Maxie Dunnam
It was in the newspaper back in the mid-1950's, during the height of the civil rights movement. An unforgettable picture, which captured not only the emotion of one man, but the deep sense of freedom and joy and release and affirmation of a whole race. A black man, who must have been over 100 years old, was being carried on the shoulders of a group of young men. They were taking him up the steps o...

Galatians 5:1-15
Brett Blair
The United States of America will be 247 years old on July 4. That's a long time for a nation to remain free. But, when you look at our history in the context of world history America is just a CHILD among the nations. Egypt, China, Japan, Rome, Greece all make America's history seem so short. Consider what a brief time we've really been here as a nation: When Thomas Jefferson died, Abraham Lincol...

Galatians 5:16-26
David E. Leininger
Remember the furor that arose a few years ago when Jimmy Carter was interviewed by Playboy magazine and was asked if he had ever had any extramarital affairs? He said that he never had but admitted to lusting "in my heart," which as Jesus made clear, was just as bad as actually committing adultery. Now, whatever one might think about Jimmy Carter's presidency, everyone would agree that he was and ...

2 Corinthians 9:6-12, Galatians 5:22-25
Billy D. Strayhorn
Did you know that at one time generosity was illegal in Santa Cruz, California? That's right. It was illegal for someone to put money in other people's parking meters without their permission. The practice called "plugging coins" was considered an illegal act by Santa Cruz municipal code. The fine for a parking violation was $12.00. The penalty "plugging" thirteen dollar. Mr. Twister whose real n...

Galatians 5:22-25, Colossians 3:12-17
Billy D. Strayhorn
It was Christmas, and a little boy was asked to play the role of the innkeeper who turned away Mary and Joseph. "I won't do it!" he exclaimed, "Because the man was mean to Mary and Joseph." But the teacher insisted, and he finally learned his lines. The night of the performance came. Mary and Joseph knocked on the door. The boy, dressed as the innkeeper, opened the door and said, "Sorry, there's n...

Maxie Dunnam
Many of you here this morning will remember Edward Sanford Martin’s poem, “My name is Legion.” Some of you may have memorized those poignant lines. Within my earthly temple there’s a crown; There’s one of us that’s humble; one that’s proud, There’s one that’s broken-hearted for his sins, There’s one that unrepentant sits and grins; There’s one that loves his neighbor as himself and one that cares...

J. Howard Olds
Within my earthly temple there’s a crowd, There’s one who’s humble and one who’s proud. There’s one that’s broken-hearted for his sins, And one who unrepentant, sits and grins. From much corroding care I would be free, If I could just determine which is really me. Life is a choice. Day by day we make decisions which shape the character of our lives. The habit of good conduct is an indispensable e...

Maxie Dunnam
George Bernard Shaw once wrote: “I am by nature and destiny a preacher, but I have no Bible, no creed. The preacher must preach the way of life...Oh, if I could only find it!” Paul had found it — and he preached it. He called it “life in Christ”. As Christians we are the recipients of the Holy Spirit. A new kind of t kind of action is now possible — but not automatic. Let me say that again. As Chr...

Galatians 5:22-25, Romans 12:9-21
Billy D. Strayhorn
I hope you all got your piece of Laffy Taffy because I want you to share the silly jokes with your neighbor. Go ahead take a second to tell each other one of the jokes. (Explain location of joke & answer) I heard lots of laughter and the room is definitely lighter because of it. There's a certain amount of joy that comes our way simply through laughter. But as Paul points out in Galatians, there'...

James Merritt
After Confederate General Robert E. Lee retired from the military, he was named President of Washington & Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, originally named Washington Academy because of a gift from George Washington. The name was changed in 1871 in honor of General Lee. While Lee was president of the University, a new student came into his office and asked for a copy of the school's rules a...

Showing 1 to 25 of 37 results