Showing 1 to 9 of 9 results

Leonard Sweet
What is the first thing you remember buying with your own hard-earned money? Can you remember what it was? Every kid has had some longed-for, worked-for, saved-for dream. For me as a kid it was a scratch-built Indie race car made out of plywood. I can still see it in my mind’s eye today. I went to sleep at night deciding what colors I would paint it — when I wasn’t striking out every batter in th...

Galatians 1:11-24
April Yamasaki
In the early Christian church, there were no pulpits. It wasn't until the Middle Ages that pulpits were first introduced in churches and not until the Protestant Reformation of the 1500s and 1600s that the pulpit became a central symbol for the authority of scripture and the preaching of the word. But it hasn't always been that way. Instead, the very first Christian churches were house churches, w...

Galatians 1:11-24
John Jamison
You have heard, no doubt, of my earlier life in Judaism. Trust me on this one, everybody had heard about Paul's earlier life in Judaism. It was one of the most common topics of conversation whenever members of the new church got together. And the opinions about that earlier life were mixed, especially when it came to how it compared with the Paul that was converted. Those opinions were so mixed t...

Galatians 1:11-24
King Duncan
Chuck Shepherd collects weird news from all over the world. You may have seen his columns in newspapers and magazines. Many of the strange occurrences in his collection have to do with crime. For example, here are a couple of his best ones: In Portsmouth, Rhode Island, police charged Gregory Rosa, twenty-five, with a string of vending machine robberies. It seems he inexplicably fled from police w...

King Duncan
The prophet Jeremiah asked 2700 years ago, "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil." (13:23) In other words, can a person change his or her basic nature? Can the cruel become kind, the vulgar become refined, the coward become courageous? It is an important question. Few of us are all we want to be. Is there any hope fo...

Galatians 1:11-24
King Duncan
One of the questions that is becoming more a matter of concern all the time is this one who can I trust? We live in a strange world. Did you know that you can now buy trust in a bottle? All of you aspiring politicians listen up . . . all you guys who want to win over a member of the fairer sex . . . all of you who have a questionable product to sell to an unsuspecting public. A New York City lab c...

Leonard Sweet
As a kid were you ever convinced that you HAD to be adopted? I mean, really: how could you be related to your big-mouthed brother when you are so reserved and quiet? . . . Your math genius parents could never have produced your brain — a brain that can’t add up anything without using fingers and toes. . . . How can you be related when you can play almost any musical instrument and your sister is ...

Maxie Dunnam
Geography is important. Everything on the news these days - the constant explosive fighting in the Middle East, starving children in the desert lands of Africa, people living under the shadow of terror, and feeling that oppressive thumb. Where we are located on the world map determines a great deal about our politics. The nature of land, and the climate determine so much of our economy. One of the...

Galatians 1:11-24
King Duncan
A woman bought a piece of needlework at a craft fair. On it was stitched these words, "Prayer Changes Things." Proud of the handiwork, she hung it up above the fireplace in the family room. Several days later she noticed that it was missing. She asked her husband if he knew what had happened to it. "I removed it," he replied. "Don't you believe that prayer changes things?" she asked, mystified. He...

Showing 1 to 9 of 9 results