Being a servant to others is not a role that is generally sought after in our society today. We tend to be a people who seek to be served, rather than offering to serve. However, Jesus said of himself that he came to serve, not to be served. He elevated for us the servant's position as he said to us, "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant." The entire message of salvation ca...
Genesis 1:1-2:3, Psalm 92:1-15, Luke 5:33-39, Luke 6:1-11, Galatians 3:1-14
Lori Wagner
Today, we’re going to delve a bit into our imaginations. I want you to imagine for a moment that you are in your favorite place –that place where you feel relaxed and calm and refreshed and happy. Can everyone think of a place like that?
Is it by the sea? In a garden? In the mountains? Maybe for you it’s a real place, or maybe it’s an imaginary place. But I want you to take time and imagine that ...
The author of the Ninety-second Psalm is a person who loves the church. Never is he happier than when he worships within her walls. It has been so with him all his life. Now, however, he has an additional reason for loving her. He has been on a sick bed where gloating enemies have taunted him. But God has confounded them and restored him to health. And that is not all; the Lord has called the sing...
A seven-year-old girl was sitting on her grandmother's lap. As the little girl moved her hand across the older woman's face, Grandma said, "Those are my wrinkles. They mean that I'm getting older." The little girl asked, "Do wrinkles hurt?"
What a loaded question! It involves more than just wrinkles. It deals with the whole business of getting older. Everybody has to address that question if one ...