Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results

Isaiah 65:17-25
R. Kevin Mohr
I am a lousy typist. My keyboard skills are rudimentary and functional, at best. I blame it all on the fact that I grew up before the computer age and went to a small boarding school in Australia for my high school years, one that didn't offer a typing class to those students on the academic track. The end result is that I suffer from a lot of stray finger movements and poor positioning when I typ...

John Wayne Clarke
Of all the writing prophets of Israel, Isaiah stands out above them all. He uses the language like a poet to present to us incredible pictures that lift up God and how God will bring salvation to God's people. In fact, the name Isaiah means, "Yahweh is salvation." But just as the book of Isaiah stands out for its beautiful presentation and powerful message, it also stands out for the controversy s...

Isaiah 65:17-25
Mark Ellingsen
Freedom is such a lovely word, a compelling image. What is freedom? How would you define it? What does it mean to you? Webster’s New World Dictionary defines freedom as being exempt from control or from arbitrary restrictions. Freedom is said to be the ability to choose or determine one’s own actions. That was the sort of freedom, escape from foreign intrusion, which the Hebrews sought when our F...

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results