Because we "begin at the beginning," Paul's second
letter to the Thessalonians finds us facing many of the same categories,
concerns and celebrations that colored the first letter already dispatched to
that community by Paul, Silvanus and Timothy. Some
scholars note a more restrained or refined spirit guiding the apostle's pen at
this writing, however. Although the few problematic behaviors a...
Recently, I was asked to give a prayer at the area chamber of commerce meeting, with these instructions: "Make it brief, and don't mention God too much."
How am I supposed to do that? I can't stop boasting about God. God's work is so impressive to me that snowflakes don't even describe it. Nor do hummingbird's nests. Nor fireworks. Nor breakfast. God is so grand to me that I have to boast.
What ...
Worthy of your call. That is Paul's prayer for the Thessalonians; that they would be worthy of God's call (1:11). It is one thing to have low expectations, something that would take little effort to achieve. But in chapter 1 of 2 Thessalonians, we have a sense that God has larger aspirations for these young Christians — and so does Paul. You have a sense that through all the persecution and afflic...
Generally we consider it unseemly to boast. You may know the terrible story of the large chess tournament that was being held in a big hotel. The players were gathering in the lobby to brag about how smart they were, who they had defeated, and the strategies they had devised. At that point, the manager came on the publicaddress system and said, "Will the hotel guests please go to their rooms now?"...
Have you ever noticed that sometimes life can be a little hard?
Coming home from his Little League game, a little boy swung open the front door very excited. Unable to attend the game, his father immediately wanted to know what happened.
“So, how did you do, son?" he asked.
“You'll never believe it!" the young fellow replied. “I was responsible for the winning run!"
“Really?" asked his father....