Showing 1 to 25 of 33 results

Richard A. Jensen
His hands were surely trembling as he lifted his hammer to nail his theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. The year was 1517. The man was Martin Luther. Luther had lived through many a crisis in his personal relationship to God. Out of his struggles he came to believe that much of what his church had taught him was simply wrong. It was wrong teaching that had caused his fa...

Maxie Dunnam
I doubt if there is anything more important for persons in shaping their lives than the families in which they are nurtured. So, on this Father’s Day, and the day following the marriage of our daughter, could I preach about anything else than family? I want to talk particularly about the family as a place for persons. The family is threatened in our day. The pressures of modern living bring explos...

2 Timothy 1:1-2:13
Leonard Sweet
We're in the midst of a war. It's a war whose progression we can chart with absolute confidence. What started out as undeclared skirmishes has steadily escalated into a head-to-head battle in the last few months. It's going to get worse. In the next three weeks there will be no holds barred, no holding back, as the warring forces focus all their weapons, all their resources, all their powers, upon...

2 Timothy 1:1-2:13
Leonard Sweet
Probably all of us know someone who has a phobia of some kind or another. Someone who is afraid of small, enclosed areas - they're claustrophobic. Someone who is afraid of wide open, sweeping spaces - they're agoraphobic. There are phobias named for fearing heights, depths, snakes, spiders, clowns, dirt, cats, dogs. (You might want to make this a karaoke moment and get your people talking about th...

2 Timothy 1:1-14
Leonard Sweet
When we "Get a Life" in Christ, we get the right kind of a life, and the best kind of life we can get. Anyone have a teenage son or daughter who has recently encouraged you to "get a life"? Those without offspring currently in the "age of cynicism" should be aware that such "loving" advice is usually given along with an incredulous gesture of falling eyes and a shaking head. Most often "get ...

2 Timothy 1:1-14
Leonard Sweet
Paul offers a three-fold methodology for rekindling the spark into a roaring fire of faith and faithfulness. There is nothing like the enthusiasm of a beginner. Watch the antics of a young kitten or puppy rolling and rollicking around its stretched-out parent. The one just beginning in life can't wait to explore every nook and cranny, investigate every piece of lint or tussle with every sque...

Billy D. Strayhorn
Do you like Optical Illusions? I do. I think we're probably all familiar with the work of M.C. Escher and his pencil drawings like "Relativity" and "Waterfall." There are any number of famous optical illusions. So, I've picked a few to show you this morning. I hope they don't make your head hurt or your eyes go bonkers on you. These are some of the more interesting ones I've found. So, what'...

Donna Schaper
I went to the store to buy a new pair of blue jeans. The clerk asked if I wanted slim fit, easy fit, or relaxed fit, regular or faded, stone washed or acid washed, button fly or regular fly ...  and that's when I started to sputter. Can't I just have a pair of blue jeans, size fourteen? Then I went to the grocery store and found 85 varieties of crackers, 285 kinds of cookies, and thirteen differen...

Clayton A. Lord
Paul was sitting in prison with every reason to be discouraged. He was just days away from his execution at the hands of Emperor Nero. He was isolated and treated like a man to be scorned, unlike his earlier stints in jail. The Emperor Nero had blamed the Christians for the great fire that destroyed the city of Rome. For the first time they were subjected to terrible persecution and citizens from ...

2 Timothy 2:8-13
Scott Suskovic
That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day. (2 Timothy 1:12). It was in 1965 that the Rolling Stones recorded the song, "I Can't Get No Satisfaction." Even today, over fifty years later, we are still saying the same words and feeling the same emptiness of trying ...

Charles L. Aaron
Most of us have a long list of passwords, PINs, and usernames to type into our cell phones, our computers, our ATMs, and a host of other gadgets. We need these to protect ourselves. Identity theft has become a serious problem. We have all seen the commercials on television of the person bragging about a dream vacation, but the voice coming out of the character's mouth is another person's voice. Th...

King Duncan
I don’t know about you, but one of the constants in my life is time spent with God. I depend on time spent in prayer. I lean heavily on the belief that God loves me and that God responds to my concerns. However, suppose when I went to God, I got God’s voice mail instead? Suppose I got an automated voice saying: “Thank you for calling My Father’s House. Please select one of the following four optio...

2 Timothy 1:1-2:13
King Duncan
Nothing in our lives brings us joy like small children. But they are also a challenge. Maybe that is why there are so many jokes about raising children. "We child-proofed our home," said one comedian, "but they are still getting in." "If you have a lot of tension and you get a headache," says another, "do what it says on the aspirin bottle: "˜TAKE TWO ASPIRIN' and "KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN." Som...

Bad parents get a lot of press. We hear so much about mothers and father who made poor choices. We hear about absentee fathers and abusive mothers, about mothers and fathers who fight and drink too much. It is depressing and I will be the first to admit it. I, along with all of you, grow weary of the time-honored cop out: “well, I ain’t ever been a parent before,” as if that should somehow exonera...

2 Timothy 1:1-2:13
King Duncan
Since this is an election year I thought you might enjoy a story about William Allen White. White was a famous Kansas newspaper editor and journalist. He was also an ardent Republican. As part of his job as a reporter, however, he once had to attend a state convention of the Democratic Party. "I fail to see any clergyman here," said the presiding chairman, "so I shall call on Mr. William Allen Wh...

King Duncan
Is there anything God can't do? It's a question that has been asked for as long as humanity has been searching for the meaning of life. God is omnipotent, we say, and omniscient ” all powerful and all knowing. There is nothing beyond God's power. There is nothing God cannot do. And yet, St. Paul tells us that there IS one thing God can't do. Listen closely to these words that he wrote to Timothy: ...

King Duncan
A juggler with a circus was pulled over for speeding. The officer was suspicious when he looked in the back seat and saw several large knives. "What are you doing with those?" he asked. "I'm a juggler with the circus," said the man. "To make it more exciting I juggle those large knives." "Well, show me," said the officer. So the juggler started juggling six of these large knives all at once. Kni...

2 Timonty 1:6-14
King Duncan
Have you ever been afraid to drive over a high bridge? If so, you're not alone. In fact, some people are so afraid of bridges that they will drive hours out of their way to avoid them. Others try to cross but have a panic attack in the middle of a bridge and can't go on. They block traffic. Because of this, the operators of some of the longest and highest spans in America now offer a driving servi...

King Duncan
There is a wonderful story from long ago about a man in Maine named Ike who was exceedingly shy. Ike fell in love with a beautiful young maiden named Anna. Anna seemed to Ike to be too wonderful for him to ever ask her to be his wife. So, he went on loving her in silence for ten years. He remained single, as did she. During this time, he built a fine house, with a barn and outbuildings, and a bea...

Malachi 2:5-7, 2 Timothy 2:2
James Merritt
I have been given the task of talking about multiplying men of God. I know that I am talking to some of the greatest men of God in the world today, but before we can talk about multiplying men of God, we must make sure that men of God are doing the multiplying. I read a story about a prostitute who was dying and she knew she was not right with God. She asked one of her friends to go get a ministe...

II Timothy 1:3-7
J. Howard Olds
As speaker and author, Tony Campolo, tells the story, it happened during a sophisticated academic gathering at the University of Pennsylvania which neither he nor his wife wanted to attend. During their mixing among the faculty, a sociology professor came up to Mrs. Campolo and said, “What do you do for a living?" Mrs. Campolo, feeling the compelling task of raising children, gave this reply, “I a...

J. Howard Olds
In the big game of life, what really matters? I find myself asking that question more and more these days. The blessing and curse of surviving a life-threatening disease is that it causes you to lift up the floorboards of your soul and examine the priorities of your life. What really matters in the light of eternity? Lost golf balls don’t matter to me any more — Lost people do. Church conferences...

Maxie Dunnam
An army officer, his wife, and two children were living in a hotel while he was on a temporary military assignment. One day, a guest in the hotel saw one of the little girls playing house in the lobby. She was saddened for the little girl and said, I’m so sorry that you don’t have a home. The little girl responded quickly, oh we have a home, we don’t have a house to put it in. This is Mother’s Day...

2 Timothy 1:1-2:13
Leonard Sweet
Some of you here this morning remember when “TV dinners” were fast food. Those were the days . . . when Sara Lee sold frozen baked goods to families with the double negative promise “Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee.” They were right. What wasn’t to like? Sweet treats like cheesecake and pies and cakes–-even frozen cubes of white dough that magically morphed in the oven into hot cubes of white bread. ...

David E. Leininger
By the time Paul wrote these words to Timothy, memories were about all he had left. He was a battle-worn soldier of the cross. He had been arrested, he had been beaten, and he had survived shipwreck. Now he was facing execution for his commitment to Christ. But Paul had his memories, and what he remembered was enough to sustain him. He knew the same would be true for his young friend. "Timothy, re...

Showing 1 to 25 of 33 results