Showing 1 to 13 of 13 results

James McLemore
What is meant when we say, "Go down to the potter's house"? Let me explain through these illustrations. A young mechanic was doing his studies about engine repair. He was in the final stages and was discussing with his instructor what he felt was the most important thing he needed to learn to master the engine. He told his instructor that he had read all of the relevant material on the internal co...

Jeremiah 18:1--19:15
Keith Hammer
Anyone who works in a hospital emergency room can relate many stories of persons who come in under emergency situations and have suffered what appears to be a heart attack or have stopped breathing for other reasons. They are put on a breathing machine. Some of these persons do not regain consciousness even after they are put on the breathing machine. Then after a period of days or sometimes weeks...

Jeremiah 18:1--19:15
John W. Wurster
(Note: This monologue is from the point of view of an imagined contemporary of Jeremiah.) I was down at the potter’s house yesterday. Have you been recently? I haven’t see you there. In fact, I haven’t see many people there at all recently. Nobody much comes to the potter’s house these days. It’s certainly not how it used to be when the potter’s house was a gathering point for the community. Well,...

King Duncan
"Behold, the potter was working at the wheel And the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter. So he made it over reworking it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make it." (Jeremiah 18:3,4 Amplified Bible) It was a classic episode of "I Love Lucy." Lucy had taken a job at a candy factory and she was being trained on the first day of her new job....

Jeremiah 18:1--19:15
"Return, every one from his evil way, and amend your ways and your doings." (v. 11) Prayer: Lord, you have made it plain that you care what we do with our lives. You are pleased when we seek to do your will, and you grieve for us when we ignore it. Speak to us in this time of worship and enable us to re-discover the joy and the blessing of doing it your way. Amen Has there been a more popular pa...

Jeremiah 18:1--19:15, John 8:48-59, John 9:1-12
Lori Wagner
Anyone here own an animal? A pet? Or let me put that better than “pet owner:” Any pet parents here? Pet partners? [Give people time to answer.] True pet lovers know that animals have a kind of freaky sense about people. They seem not only to sense if someone is afraid of them or not (they smell fear, we say). They can also instinctively sense a person’s spirit –whether that person is friend or f...

Jeremiah 18:1-10
James Merritt
Amazingly, George Lucas, who created one of the most famous villains of all time in Darth Vader, could not resist the storyline that even with the Darth Vader there is always "A New Hope." There is always the hope that anyone who has gone over to the dark side, no matter how far or how deep, can once again reemerge to the light side and the right side. Thousands of years ago God told the Prophet ...

Jeremiah 18:1-11
Lee Ann Dunlap
What would you do if you opened your mailbox one day to find a letter from the city or county announcing that you have to move? That land your grandparents worked so hard to till, or for which you struggled so long to purchase is deemed the best land available for a new shopping mall. The appraisers will soon be checking out your home to determine its fair market value and you are expected to vaca...

Billy D. Strayhorn
Somebody once said: "We are all made of common clay and that is why we all have the same kinds of problems." But someone else said: "We're all created in the same mold, only some of us are moldier than others." (1) There is a place in India where their legends agree with the Bible that humankind was made from dust. But they think that the upper class (or caste) was made from the fertile soil and ...

Chrysanne Timm
I am not a potter, and I do not play one on television! How­ever, as a student of the scriptures and the life and times of the people in the biblical narrative, I can say with some certainty that crafting pottery is one of the world's oldest professions. Alongside bone and bricks, fragments of earthenware or pottery have long been gathered and studied by archeologists to understand some­thing of t...

Jeremiah 18:1--19:15
Richard L. Sheffield
"I believe in God the potter almighty, maker of heaven and earth." That's the beginning of The Apostles' Creed, as Jeremiah might have written it: I believe in God who has created heaven and earth, and you, and me, like a potter at work at a potter's wheel. That's a biblical image that still makes sense for you and me. At craft shows, in art classes, in hobby shops, you can still find a potter's ...

Wallace H. Kirby
"John’s pulling his ear again," my wife would say wearily when I came home for lunch. "I guess I’d better take him back to Dr. Byrd’s this afternoon before things get worse." "That probably means another round of penicillin shots for John and some more sleepless nights for us," was my usual response. That dialogue was repeated over and over in our household. It seemed as though we would never ge...

Jeremiah 18:1--19:15
Don Yocom
"... says the Lord. Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand ..." God wanted the so-called weeping prophet, Jeremiah, to see a parable, so he sent Jeremiah to a potter’s house. There the prophet observed a powerful message which he proclaimed in his oracle of doom to Israel. It is well worth our study also. If the clay were in the proper condition to be molded, the potte...

Showing 1 to 13 of 13 results