Showing 1 to 25 of 32 results

Richard Patt
For a moment, call to mind Psalm 23. The Lord is my shepherd. Green pastures. Still waters. A cup overflowing. Oh, yes! There is a serene side of being a Christian. But this Gospel reading in Luke crashes in on our spiritual serenity. The spell of a peaceful religion is shattered. We become startled as we hear Jesus speak these uprooting words. Some believers have admitted to being shocked and puz...

Wallace H. Kirby
"The right stuff" describes the qualities of character, competence, and temperament possessed by the early astronauts. They had "the right stuff" for the job and all of us admired them for this. In terms of American history, they are kin to those sturdy folk who first settled this nation, as well as those who later broke out of the confines of the eastern seaboard and courageously headed into the ...

Luke 14:25-35
Carveth Mitchell
The Gospel for today begins with these words of Jesus: Now great multitudes accompanied him; and he turned and said to them, "If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple." Is that what it means to be a Christian? That we should hate the members of our own family? We must make...

T. A. Kantonen
The Lenten season, to which Ash Wednesday opens the door, is a time for heart-searching. "The Son of God goes forth to war a kingly crown to gain," and we are asked, "Who follows in his train?" Our Lord’s path to his kingly glory passes through Gethsemane and Calvary, and if we are to be his followers, we too must "climb the steep ascent of heaven through peril, toil and pain." We must count the c...

Leonard Sweet
With every new diet craze that sweeps our increasingly plump continent, a tremendous transformation takes place. Alas, not in the pudgy body shapes that struggle towards trimness. But on the grocery shelves of our local supermarkets. Have you noticed the transformation? (At this point you may want to hold up some of these items you're talking about.) Our foodstuffs are changed from their most basi...

Luke 14:25-35
Leonard Sweet
The most famous journalist saying of all time is arguably “if it bleeds, it leads.” Rolling Stone magazine decided to take that adage literally. The 18 August 2010 cover of Rolling Stone magazine featured a bloody mess and it was a huge hit, creating a big stir, selling lots of copies. Wearing nothing but dripping, smeared, puddling blood, the three young stars of "True Blood" posed in way meant ...

Bill Bouknight
In a jewelry store window of a large shopping center, a sign was posted which read: "Crosses for sale, half-price." That sign just set my mind to reeling with its implications. In our culture it means very little to wear a cross. For many it is a meaningless piece of jewelry. When the singer Madonna wears a cross, her audience does not presume she is making a faith statement. Perhaps a fashion st...

George Reed
Jesus certainly cannot be accused of using a “soft sell” approach when it comes to calling folks to discipleship. While salespeople are taught to extol the good points, ignore the bad points, and wait until you have your customer hooked before you deliver the price to them, Jesus comes out with the price right up front. And it is steep. Jesus doesn’t offer us a sign-and-drive option to follow him....

Mark Trotter
I think it was Harry Truman's phrase: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." It represented a certain toughness of character which was typical of Harry Truman. Truman didn't want to do certain things, including being president. All you have to do is see the picture of him at his inauguration to realize that he really wanted to be some place else. But his sense of duty, his sense of...

Richard Patt
For a moment, call to mind Psalm 23. The Lord is my shepherd. Green pastures. Still waters. A cup overflowing. Oh, yes! There is a serene side of being a Christian. But this Gospel reading in Luke crashes in on our spiritual serenity. The spell of a peaceful religion is shattered. We become startled as we hear Jesus speak these uprooting words. Some believers have admitted to being shocked and pu...

King Duncan
"Suppose you were on a nonstop flight to Asia,” says the motivational speaker, “and heard this announcement: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We’re traveling west across the Pacific Ocean. In a few hours, you will be able to look down and see land. When that happens, we are going to start looking for a big city with an airport. If we find one before our fuel runs out, we will ...

King Duncan
Every once in a while, there is a news story that is both bizarre and tragic. In Spain, for example, a poacher shot a stag deer that was standing on an overhanging rock above him. Unfortunately he didn’t take the time to calculate where the deer might fall. It fell directly on him; he was killed instantly. (1) Equally as bizarre and tragic was the story of a 22-year-old man who was killed when he...

King Duncan
Series: Jesus said . . . What? Outrageous Teachings, No. 2 Barbara Bennett of Vancouver, Washington, wanted to sell an old Brothers' sewing machine. So she took out an ad in her local paper's classified section. But when the ad appeared, it read simply "Brother for sale" instead. Worse yet, the ad appeared in the "Items under $50" section. There were actually a couple of calls inquiring about ...

King Duncan
Have you ever noticed that some people don’t think things through very well? There’s a story about a professional football player who wasn’t very fond of team curfews when the team was playing on the road. So this player had a routine that he followed whenever his team was in another city. If he wanted to stay out after curfew, he would take whatever he could find loose in his hotel room and cram ...

King Duncan
I heard recently about a guy named Bob. Bob was single and lived with his father. Bob worked in the family business, a very successful family business. When it became apparent that his father would not live much longer, and that he would soon inherit quite a fortune, Bob decided to find a wife with whom to share his soon-to-be abundant wealth. One evening, at an investment meeting, Bob spotted t...

King Duncan
Jeff Hill is with IBM. But like many people nowadays he works from home. Working from home, he says he needs a professionalsounding voicemail greeting so everyone will know he's hard at work. While he was recording a new message one morning, Jeff's wife was across the hall from his office, folding clothes with their sixyearold daughter, who had just emerged from the shower. Jeff's professional me...

King Duncan
Some years ago TIME magazine asked a group of Americans to rate one hundred famous events in history as to their significance. The results of that poll are quite amazing. Number one was Columbus' discovery of America. Three events tied for fourteenth on the list: the discovery of X-rays, the Wright brother's first plane flight, and the crucifixion of Jesus. Notice that: Jesus tied for fourteenth. ...

James Merritt
There's is an old fable about an Emperor who many years ago gathered together the wisest people in his kingdom and said, "I want you to assemble all of the great knowledge of our civilizations so that it will be available for future generations." They worked many years before returning with ten bound volumes. The Emperor glanced at the stack of books frowned and said, "Too long." The sages scurri...

I remember as I was growing up, before gas became more pre­cious than gold, that our family would go on buggy rides, as we called them, on Sunday afternoons after church and dinner. It was a great time for the entire family to be together, to wander back roads aimlessly, and to talk about just about anything you could imagine. Most of the time my dad would surprise us but sometimes he would ask u...

Ron Lavin
The best thing to say to a pastor after you hear a sermon that moves you is not, "That was a good sermon." That's a little better than saying, "That was a lousy sermon," but in saying, "That was a good sermon," you may be missing the point of preaching. The point of preaching is for the listeners to put the Word of God into action. Soren Kierkegaard, the Danish theologian, says that the role of l...

James Merritt
Think about these words: dedication, devotion, discipleship, commitment, consecration, surrender, sacrifice. There are no blue-light specials on these virtues in the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is not k-mart. I want you to get these two statements into your heart. Salvation is free, but discipleship is not cheap. You may be familiar with the term day-trader. A day-trader is a high-risk inv...

Thomas C. Short
Now great multitudes accompanied him; and he turned and said to them, "If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple. For which of yon, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the...

Brett Blair
The mark of a great leader is the demands he makes upon his followers. The Italian freedom fighter Garibaldi offered his men only hunger and death to free Italy. Winston Churchill told the British people that he had nothing to offer them but "blood, sweat, toil, and tears" in their fight against their enemies. Jesus spoke of the necessity of total commitment -even to the point of death. He conveye...

Donald Dotterer
Let us pray: O God of love and glory, on this day we come to you asking that your Spirit might be with us as we consider the important decisions in life that we all must make. Lord, in these moments, may we feel your presence among us. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. The major issue of the 1992 presidential campaign was the state of the American economy. Bill Clinton, George Bush and Ross Perot all...

John G. Lynch
For many years American children sat down after supper each evening to snap on their radio dials. Sometimes they heard a sepulchre, Peter Lorre voice from a man named Raymond tell them about the "Inner Sanctum." On those nights America's children were scared. On other nights they waited with untrammeled glee until a man named McGee opened a closet door and years of clutter crashed to the living ro...

Showing 1 to 25 of 32 results