Showing 26 to 39 of 39 results

Luke 14:1, 7-14
David E. Leininger
The lectionary uses verse 1 of Luke chapter 14 to set the scene: "When Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, he was being carefully watched" (Luke 14:1). Jesus and dinner is an important tableaux in Luke's gospel — some rainy afternoon, take some time and read through Luke and see how often you find scenes just like this one. Now, notice four important details in this one little ...

Brett Blair
Coach Shug Jordan at Auburn University asked his former Linebacker Mike Kollin, who was then playing for the Miami Dolphins, if he would help his alma mater do some recruiting. Mike said, "Sure, coach. What kind of player are you looking for?" The coach said, "Well Mike, you know there's that fellow, you knock him down, he just stays down?" Mike said, "We don't want him, do we, coach?" "No, that...

Luke 14:1, 7-14
Mark Trotter
Some of you may have seen a book entitled, The Second Book of Insults. Evidently the first book was so successful the publisher thought it deserved a sequel. I will confess that it sounds like an enjoyable read. It is in the grand tradition of a certain kind of comedy called the “put-down.” We love to see the pretentious slip on a banana peel. It is that kind of humor. There is a similar traditio...

Carveth Mitchell
To the thoughtful reader of this Gospel two questions jump out at once: Why was Jesus invited to a dinner with the Pharisees on the Sabbath? And why did he accept? In answer to that, there are three key sentences in this Gospel, and all three come across the centuries and speak Jesus’ word to us. I "They were watching him." (verse 1) Lo! Our two questions are answered. He was invited so they cou...

Luke 14:1-14
Wallace H. Kirby
Sometimes the background comments, the words used to provide the setting for the words and actions of Jesus are worth pondering. This may be the case in this passage where Luke notes, "They were watching him." (14:1b) Jesus was under surveillance. Is it any wonder? After all, he was a disturbing presence. He upset the tidiness of legalistic religion, declaring that all are bankrupt before God and...

Luke 14:1-14, Luke 14:15-24, Proverbs 25:1-28
Lori Wagner
I want you to think about your dinner table for a moment. No, not to make you hungry during worship!  But think about what it looks like, who is there, where it is, and where you are at the table. What is your place? Who is sitting at the head? Who is talking the most? Who is silent? Who is serving? Who cooked the meal? Who is on the periphery? Who is in charge? You see, we all have “table dynami...

Luke 14:1-14, Luke 14:15-24
Lori Wagner
Animation: sweet rolls or some other food to feast on / juice It’s dinnertime! So everyone scrambles to the table to get the best seat, claim the biggest pork chop, peek at the choicest rolls… It’s the story of almost every large family, buffet, or large gathering. Who gets the last piece of cake? How does it work out in your family? Is it first-come, first serve. Or does it go to the eldest? Or...

Matthew 5:6 · Luke 14:1-14
Wallace H. Kirby
In any home where there are small children with parents who do not sanction a complete submission to television, the most familiar request is: "Tell us a story." And those stories are remembered for the rest of their lives. There is not a single adult or child, I dare say, who could not tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood, of Goldilocks and her bears, of the three little pigs, the big, bad w...

Leonard Sweet
There are few ministries more important than the ministry of encouragement. One of the most idealized lifestyles of all time is that of the American cowboy. The success of movies like "City Slickers" shows that the dream to be a cowboy still ranks right up there on people's "wish lists." What is the big attraction behind the cowboy persona? Perhaps it can be found in the cowboy "theme song" that...

William A Ritter
I love Fred Craddock stories and I haven't told you one in a long time. So here goes. A few years back, Fred was invited to lead some kind of preaching mission in Winnipeg (Friday night ... Saturday morning ... Saturday evening ... twice on Sunday ... you know the drill). When he finished Friday night, he noticed that it was spitting snow. His host told him not to worry, given that it was only mi...

Luke 14:1, 7-14
Dave Zuchelli
The first verse of this chapter in Luke is fascinating all on its own. Luke indicated that Jesus was being “carefully watched.” It almost sounds like a spy novel. Better yet, it sounds like Big Brother keeping an eye on unwary citizens. Jesus, of course, knew all this was happening. He warned us to be alert, and I’m sure he was vigilant as well. As a congregation, we’ve gotten access to the demog...

Lori Wagner
We live in a culture that lauds narcissism in the guise of assertiveness. Let me say that again. We live in a culture that lauds narcissism in the guise of assertiveness. Don’t misunderstand. To be assertive can be a very good thing, especially when one needs to be heard. Sometimes, it’s a grave mistake to keep silent when things need to be said. But we can draw a fine line between healthy self...

Luke 14:1-14
King Duncan
In our society, we have a unique obsession with following the “lifestyles of the rich and famous.” There are TV shows and websites and magazines that focus on the homes and wardrobes and parties of the wealthy and well-connected. And so many of us like to take a sneak peek into this world that we will never experience in real life. Back before the pandemic, sociologist Ashley Mears wrote a book t...

Luke 14:1, 7-14
Will Willimon
"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." Luke 14:1, 7-14 If you are new here you have been subjected to what is called Freshman Orientation. That's when PISCES, ASDU, DCM, CAPS, and every other campus acronym tries to orient you to life at Duke, tries to put you in your place, so to speak. If you are a Freshman, you have already been subjected...

Showing 26 to 39 of 39 results