Scout Sunday...and Groundhog Day, all rolled up into one. I was intrigued at the news stories this week about Groundhogs. They asked, "Why do groundhogs wake up each year in early February?"(1) A Penn State researcher says they might emerge from their dens in February, not to see how much more winter awaits, but in order to meet members of the opposite sex prior to mating season in March. The repo...
The Covenant is a Covenant of Law. WHOA! Isn’t the Christian Covenant a covenant of grace, as opposed to works? Doesn’t Saint Paul complain that the Law, the "dispensation of death," kills, while only the Spirit gives life? (2 Corinthians 3:6-7)
"Law" has often gotten bad press among Christians. While not arguing for the kind of legalism that rightly offended Jesus and very nearly made a neurotic...
In 1889, the artist Vincent Van Gogh, while enduring one of the saddest and loneliest times of his career, looked out of his iron-barred sanatorium window and painted the masterpiece we know today as “Starry, Starry Night.”
Today, that painting is named his “magnum opus.” He wrote in a letter prior in 1888 that the “great starlit vault of heavens is what we commonly call God.” I can’t help but be...
On September 27, 1998, Philip Ozersky went to a baseball game and saw his life changed forever. With one swing of a bat, and in two twinklings of the eye, he caught not just a baseball, but a gold mine.
Now a lot of fans have caught home runs, but this was no ordinary home run. A lot of batters have hit home runs, but this was no ordinary batter. On that day, Mark McGuire came to the plate and hi...
Step eight: Made a list of all persons we harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
I can see the scene now. They are meeting over a three-martini lunch to plan out the advertising strategy. They struggle with what hook they will use to lure people to their product. One of them says, "Think of this? What revives the soul, makes wise the simple, rejoices the heart, enlightens the eyes...
Shakespeare scholars will recognize the source of this title. The banished duke seeks to reassure his companions in As You Like It, saying, "And this our life, exempt from public haunts, finds tongues in trees, books in running brooks, sermons in stone, and good in everything."
Sermons in stones ... do you find them there? You can, you know. Or in the towering trees or fragrant flora or starry ni...
Our lessons this morning feels like an archery target. The psalm starts with the long view, the perspective of the psalmist marveling at the beauty of creation. “The heavens are telling the glory of God,” it begins, but that translation doesn’t quite capture the essence of what is to be expressed Psalm 19:1 (NRSV). It more closely means, “The heavens are continually telling the glory of God.” It’s...