Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results

David J. Kalas
I've never had a vision — at least not of the sort that Paul had. I don't know personally, therefore, what you feel the next morn­ing. But it's clear from the story that whatever Paul felt, he felt it so strongly that he and his companions changed their itinerary imme­diately in response to that vision. Perhaps this sort of turn-on-a-dime operation is acceptable for a missionary. It's a litt...

R. Blaine Detrick
The favorite man of the Bible for this chapter is one who is rarely mentioned in the Scriptures, yet is an important Bible personality. Not only is he a biblical character; he is also one who was responsible for writing part of the Bible, one who helped to bring the New Testament into being. His name is Luke. Luke, the Doctor We could call him Dr. Luke, because we read that he was "Luke, the bel...

David E. Leininger
We have been living on borrowed time. In the over 3,100 years of recorded world history, the world has only been at peace 8% of the time or a total of 286 years, and 8,000 treaties have been made and broken. On any given day, soldiers are firing in thirty to forty nations. Wars of liberation. Territorial disputes. Religious principles. "One man's freedom fighter is another's terrorist," the saying...

Charley Reeb
Life has a way of presenting us with defining moments. I re- member facing a defining moment in my ministry. I went to see a man in the hospital who was dying. He was not active in the church I pastored, but I knew who he was. When I entered his hospital room, his whole family was standing in a semi-circle around his bed. They greeted me, and then the man told his family that he wanted a moment al...

Douglas J. Deuel
Years ago, this advertisement appeared in the classifieds of a local newspaper: "Husband says either he or puppies must go. Puppies are playful and cute. Husband is grouchy and unsympathetic. Your choice free." It just may be that our biggest challenge in life is relationships. At home and in the community, we struggle to make positive contributions to our relationship with others. Even within th...

Rodney Thomas Smothe
At first glance this story seems a bit out of place. Perhaps some background of the events leading up to this text would be helpful. Paul and Barnabas along with the other disciples had gathered in Antioch to encourage and strengthen one another prior to continuing their journeys. Prior to Paul's departure, he and Barnabas had a sharp disagreement over who should continue on the journey. Barnabas ...

King Duncan
I want to ask you a question this morning: how do you respond when God—or life itself—changes your plans? This question is relevant for everyone in the congregation because at some point in your life, God or life, if you will, will suddenly and unexpectedly change your plans for your day, maybe even for your life. There is an old “Peanuts” cartoon strip that I suspect we all can relate to. In the...

Carlyle Fielding Stewart
One of the great problems of our time particularly in some clergy circles is the myopic, antiquated, sexist, provincial, and prejudiced view that some pastors and congregations have regarding women in the church. This problem is particularly acute in regards to female clergy and those strong, anointed, and gifted women of God whom God has appointed and anointed for service and who also pose a thre...

King Duncan
Way back in 1669 a most unusual occurrence took place. The entire village of Runswick, England, slipped into the sea. Yes, such tragedies occur from time to time. The entire town was swallowed up in the raging tides. Here’s what is interesting, though not a single inhabitant of Runswick drowned! Why? All the residents of the town were attending a funeral in a neighboring village at the time of the...

Frank Ramirez
There's the story of the man who was lost on a desert island for a decade. When he was finally rescued people were astounded to discover he had built an entire town out of palm branches. There was a movie theater — with no movies, of course — a grocery story with empty shelves, an apartment building, a department store, several houses, and at each end of the little town he had built a church. Why...

Elizabeth Achtemeier
Our text for the morning sets us down in the middle of what many have called Paul's second missionary journey. Luke schematizes Paul's travels and arranges them so that Paul goes on three journeys, returning twice to the "headquarters" of the church in Jerusalem. Paul's letters, on the other hand, give a somewhat different account. But it is certain that Paul traveled thousands of miles for Christ...

James Merritt
I am at a distinct disadvantage here for one simple reason. I believe it is easier for a woman to address a group of men than it is for men to address a group of women. The reason is simple. Women at least think they understand men; men know they don't understand women. One of the reasons for this problem is there are undeniably tremendous differences between men and women. For example: Women hav...

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results