Once in a far-off land, there was a great king whose dominion extended far and wide. His power and authority were absolute. One day, as events would happen, a young man, a commoner, committed a grave offense against the king. In response, the king and his counselors gathered together to determine what should be done. They decided that since the offense was so grave and had been committed by a comm...
The book of Revelation is a vision that occurs on the Lord's day. When you read the book, it feels like a worship service. In fact, in the historic liturgies and worship services of the church (regardless of one's denomination or tradition), more passages from the book of Revelation are used than from any other book in the Bible. The book is filled with hymns, sections of hymns, colorful and vivid...
In her book Responding to God, Martha Graybeal Rowlett tells about a column in The San Francisco Chronicle called the "Question Man." People write to the Question Man with various questions they'd like to have answered. However, years ago the Question Man turned the tables. He asked children for their answers to a question. The question was, "What does God look like?"One child wrote, "Jesus and Go...
A layperson wrote on the Internet that he attends a small village church in rural Pennsylvania. On any given Sunday, he says, they may have six or seven faithful children who come with their parents. The pastor has a white bag which is passed from child to child, making sure they get equal turns to put something in for him to talk about.
Each Sunday, the pastor calls all the children up and he op...
Sing with all the saints of glory,
Sing the resurrection song.
Death and sorrow, earth’s dark story,
To the former days belong.
All around the clouds are breaking,
Soon the storms of time shall cease.
In God’s likeness we awaking,
Know the everlasting peace.
Easter people have a song in their hearts that the world never gave. They have a peace it cannot take away. At least that’s the way the Apos...
There was a Gypsy in England who stopped a preacher one day; not knowing he was a preacher, she said she would tell his future for $500. The preacher said, "You mean you can tell me what I will be doing a year from now if I give you $500?"
The fortune-telling Gypsy said, "I can tell you exactly what you will be doing a year from now."
The preacher then asked, "You mean you can tell me what I'll ...
When the famous agnostic Robert Ingersoll died, the printed funeral program left this solemn instruction, "There will be no singing."
Few feel like singing in the face of death. Running, perhaps. Crying, probably. But singing? Not at death. Death steals our reason to sing. Death takes the songs from our lips and leaves in their place stilled tongues and tear-flooded cheeks. (1)
However, this att...
Our eight year old came home from school a few weeks ago singing a new song they had been learning, "Lord, Make Me A Sheep."
Now . . . even though the song was cute and catchy, and even though I know it was teaching an important theological truth, it still rankled.
Make Me A Sheep? It just doesn't sound like a dream any father or mother should want for their son or daughter. Make me courteous an...
Ever been to a circus? I mean a big, super-duper, three-ring, Barnum and Bailey, Greatest Show on Earth-type circus? Under the big top, there is continuous activity, with performances in all three rings—bands and barters, jugglers and gymnasts, all going on at once. Let's say you go to the circus, then come home and try to describe it, or even better, try to write a letter to a friend sharing "the...
It was meant to be a put down, a remark aimed to put me in my place. In a way, it did, but not as he intended. Why is Duke Chapel so often full when many university Chapels or local churches are so often empty·? He said, "Well, Duke Chapel puts on such a show on Sunday morning. And there are always those who want church to be nothing but a good show."
The buildings, the windows, the great choir,...
Christianity is all about salvation — the salvation of our souls, right? That’s why the church needs to keep its nose out of politics and all this stuff about polluting the environment. A 2016 Pew Research Center poll found that nearly 1 in 2 of us (47%) feels this way about the church keeping out of politics. And a 2017 poll by Pew found that just over 1 in 2 of us (55%) rank ecological destructi...