Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results

Maurice A. Fetty
Many would claim the profit motive to be one of the stronger motives of our humanity. Though purists may snub their noses at it, and socialists may sneer at it, capitalists say profit and the profit motive are the driving force of any successful economy. Welfare recipients might criticize the high profits of some persons and businesses. But those same persons and businesses would gladly quote form...

Brett Blair
The birth of John the Baptist puts a different spin on the birth of Jesus. We get to see the birth and life of Jesus through the eyes of relatives who were going through the same odd happenings that had surrounded Mary and Joseph. Zechariah and Elizabeth are the proud parent's of John, who would later be called The Baptist, new parents who are allowed to see into the future and understand that the...

Luke 1:67-80
Leonard Sweet
Some people are born with natural gifts talents or tendencies that are woven directly into their genetic code. Mozart was born with music already playing in his soul. And no matter how many swings or jumpers we buy that play Mozart as our infants swing and jump, the number of budding Mozarts out there is very small. Michelangelo was graced with a third-eye one that could detect the presence of a w...

Allan J. Weenink
There is a lovely and true story of Edward of Windsor, when, as Prince of Wales, he went to India. He was the son of the Supreme power, the King of England, and to the outcaste people, almost divine. As he drew near the Delhi Gate on one of his journeys, 25,000 outcastes awaited his coming. They only expected to see a car flash past, and with luck, to catch a glimpse of him. But Edward, Prince of ...

Carroll Gunkel
I suggested that the sermon I preached on the life and ministry of Dr. Tom Dooley was begun more than twenty years before it was actually preached and had no real starting point. This message has a more recent and specific beginning. This sermon was begun on Tuesday, August 10, 1976, in Belfast, Northern Ireland. On that day and in that place Anne Maguire went for a walk. With her was her daught...

Luke 1:67-80, Luke 1:57-66, Luke 1:46-56, Luke 1:39-45, Luke 1:26-38, Luke 1:5-25, Luke 1:1-4
Lori Wagner
Animation: Music: To God Be the Glory [You can have it playing just before the sermon. There are a lot of good versions, both old and new. You can also play a YouTube for your people.] To God be the glory! Say it with me: To God be the glory! Now I want you to repeat that phrase after me, like a refrain. Each time I speak a line, I want you to respond with: To God be the glory! Ok? Let’s try it...

Isaiah 40:1-31, Luke 1:67-80, John 1:19-28
Warren Thomas Smith
Any great event requires preparation. Significant movements do not merely appear. There must be necessary groundwork, anticipation. The Bible sublimely illustrates the way God raised up heralds who announced the coming ministry and message of Christ. Chief among them is John the Baptizer. We seldom associate John with the birth of Jesus. This is understandable. He was but an infant himself at the...

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results