General Douglas MacArthur was one of the great heroes of World War II. He was greatly admired by many people, and well loved by the people of the Philippines. One reason for the admiration and love was that he kept an important promise. When the Japanese invasion forced MacArthur to retreat from the Philippines, he promised he would return. Standing in the water in March 1942, before he embark...
It was quite unusual for Susan to do something so frivolous. Perhaps it was the combination of depression and stress that prompted her to take a break from her daily responsibilities. There was quite a bit of tension in Susan's relationship with her husband. Also her teenage children seemed to have become almost completely out of her control. She felt frustrated and helpless. She felt that she nee...
Trying to See; Three Kings Who Failed and the One Who, in Failure, Succeeded (All About Shepherds, How Justice Comes and God Working Secretly With a Secret Christian). All three of the lessons we read today are straining for something beyond their ability to understand. The Gospel is at the center, and, in the Gospel, the question is how can it be that the One Most Beloved by God, the Chosen, the ...
Just one more word we need to say and one more thing we need to do on this last Sunday of another year with Christ. We said it last year and the year before, and we will say it next year and the year beyond, and we will say it when the morning of his glory dawns and every knee will bend with us before his throne: Christ is King! lie shall reign forever! While the Ronald Reagans and the Walter Mond...
On this last Sunday of the Church Year (we call it Christ the King Sunday) our attention is directed to the reign of Christ — to his glorious reign which has already begun with the resurrection on Easter. It is a Sunday to think about salvation, because where Christ reigns salvation is effected. These themes are especially evident in our First Lesson. Jeremiah conducted his ministry in Judah (the ...
Once upon a time there was a beautiful garden that was owned by an ugly and unfriendly Giant. This was truly a lovely spot -- the flowers bloomed in abundance, the peach trees always seemed to have their springtime blossoms, and the birds sang sweetly in the trees. Each day after school, children came and played in the Giant's garden. One day the Giant, who had been away visiting his friend the Co...
God has given us a spiritual home in which to live. When
will we move in? When will we appreciate the home we've been given?
A recently spotted bumper sticker made the following
poignant plea: "You are a child of God. Please call home."
Remember the blockbuster hit movie of the early '80s,
"E.T."? The strange little space alien dubbed "E.T." is
accidentally left behind by his companions. Thr...
I recently got E-mail from a young man that I took very seriously. There are several reasons why I immediately responded to this young man's E-mail. First of all he is a very bright student. In fact, he may graduate a year early from his university. Second, he is a very fine Christian young man with extremely high values. Thirdly, he goes to a very wonderful godly Christian university. Fourth, I k...
Jeremiah 23:1-8, 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Psalm 80:1-19, Psalm 23:1-6, John 10:22-42, John 10:1-21
Lori Wagner
Prop: shepherd’s staff (invisible cloak / rock of salvation / living water / sling and staff)
We all have dreams for our children! We set them free to make their own decisions in the world, but at the same time we take care to guide them, pray for them, dream for them, envision a future for them in which we play a relational part. We so want them to live fulfilling and satisfying lives, filled wi...
Although we are going to concentrate on Jeremiah 23:1-6, it is important to note that these verses are a part of a larger section that is best understood in its entirety. This section contains a collection of prophecies concerning the Davidic kings. It is not important that it be broken down verse by verse, but rather theme by theme. The first section is a lament over Jehoiakim (22:1-9); then Jere...
A few years ago, Michael Crichton, of Jurassic Park and the television series ER fame, wrote a novel called State of Fear.[1] Crichton's book wasn't just for entertainment, though; it had an agenda, evidenced by the presence of footnotes, a 31-page bibliography, two appendices, and an addendum, titled "Author's Message." One of the basic messages of the book is that governments and special inter...
Do you remember loving “story time” as a child? You got to put aside pencil and paper, gather together in a circle, and listen to an unfolding story about someone and somewhere else. Story time invited all of us to enter into the worlds of other people, to involve ourselves in their trials and triumphs, to encounter new cultures and challenges through others. Fairy tales gave us stories that inclu...
About three centuries ago, Spaniards besieged a small French town, St. Quentin. The city walls were in ruins; fever and famine plagued the people. One day the Spaniards shot over the walls a shower of arrows to which were attached little slips of parchment promising that if they surrendered, their lives and property would be spared. The mayor of the town was a devout Huguenot. For answer, he tied ...
Let's talk politics!
Do I detect a groan? You say that you are sick of politics? That you have had enough of Republicans and Democrats and want to hear of nothing more controversial than basketball?
I have a political proposal for you. I couldn't present it during the heat of the campaign, but now the time is right: What we need in this country is monarchy. That's right. A king.
Think about it....