Here is a remarkable story from World War II. From the island of Guam one of our mighty bombers took off for Kokura, Japan, with a deadly cargo. The sleek B-29 turned and circled above the cloud that covered the target for half an hour, then three-quarters of an hour, then 55 minutes, until the gas supply reached the danger point. It seemed a shame to be right over the primary target and then h...
Goodbye, even with someone you deeply care about, isn't always sad. At least it isn't only sad. Sometimes it can be like saying hello. Some of us have said goodbye to children. We bundled them up and coaxed their little eyes and hands to say "bye bye." Soon we waved them off to the neighbor's and school and camp. And at some point along the way we said goodbye to our children for the last tim...
Introduction Roller coasters are becoming more and more popular in America; they are being built taller, and longer, and faster - and nearly every major theme and play park seems to have one. In a world that keeps us as dizzy as being on a roller coaster, or at best we have a suspicion that we are being used as a yo-yo, trying to meet the demands of all the strident voices about us. So, when a chu...
One of you told me recently about a pastor who one day visited a dear elderly member of the church. He decided to check on her salvation. He said, "Aunt Susie, do you believe in the hereafter?" She replied, "All the time, preacher, all the time. I go to the kitchen and think to myself, 'Now, what am I here after?" That little story reminds us all that we have to specify what kind of hereafter we'r...
Luke gives a telling account of Jesus’ instructions to the apostles before his ascension into heaven. Jesus speaks to them about the kingdom of God, the importance of waiting for the gift “my father has promised,” and their coming baptism by the Holy Spirit. They anxiously anticipate and question him about the restoration of the kingdom of Israel and Jesus admonishes them not to concern themselves...
The book of the Bible most closed to modern Christians, I believe, is the book of Acts. It is actually the record of the Holy Spirit at work in the lives of those who were left to carry on that first century after Jesus’ departure from the earthly scene. It is the account of the dynamic released in the world through men and women of prayer. Jesus promised, you shall receive power when the Holy Spi...
Do you remember everything your mother told you? Here's a list which sounded familiar when I first heard it. It's called Things My MOTHER Taught Me My Mother taught me LOGIC ... "If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you can't go to the store with me." My Mother taught me MEDICINE ... "If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they're going to freeze that way." My Mother taught me TO THINK A...
"Golden Rule" Jones had "quittin' meetings" for those
converted at his revivals. These meetings were to get people to
confess their sins (cussing, drinking, gambling, and so on) and then
have everyone pledge to quit their sinning. At one of these meetings,
a lady was asked what she was going to quit. She said she had not
been doing anything and was going to quit doing that. Perhaps
It is probably
the most well known Bible verse in the world. It has probably been preached on
more by the greatest evangelist of modern times, Billy Graham, than any other
single verse. Of course, I am referring to John 3:16. There may be some of you
who do not know it, so here is what it says, "For God so loved the world that
He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall ...
I heard a story
the other day about a man that went on vacation to the Holy Land with his wife and mother-in-law. Half
way through their trip, the mother-in-law dies, so this guy goes to an
undertaker who explains that they can ship the body home, but it will cost
$5,000 or they can bury her in the Holy Land
for $150.
The son-in-law
says, "Let's just go ahead and ship her home." The underta...
Generous teachers sometimes assure their students that there
is no such thing as a stupid question. Personally, I'm not so sure. It seems to
me that I have heard some pretty stupid questions over the years. I'm quite
sure that I have asked some very stupid questions along the way, as well.
In this episode from the first days of the early church, the
disciples asked a stupid question. Or, at...
Dr. Fred Craddock tells the story of an annual Easter tradition at one church in Georgia. Every year, on Easter Sunday, the church was decorated with 500 Easter lilies! The lilies were arranged on the chancel in the shape of a cross, placed in each window of the church, across the altar rail, across the front of the baptistry – literally everywhere you looked on Easter morning, you could see Easte...
Some people look with bewilderment at some of the racial strife in our society today--particularly the tension between the “Black lives matter” movement and police departments across our land. However, some of you are old enough to know that we have been here before.
In his fine book, On a Wild and Windy Mountain, William H. Willimon tells of being in New Haven, Connecticut as a student at Yale i...
Today I want you to participate in the proclamation of today's message. Perhaps it will help you to remember the spectacular event and its significance that we are commemorating today.
Today is perhaps the most misunderstood and forgotten holiday of the entire Christian church year. Today, forty days after the resurrection of Jesus, the church for millennia has commemorated the ascension of Jesus...
"What I have here is really going to turn things around in this country," he said. "Maybe even the world." Actually, he didn't have very much to say. He just kept eating, trying not to seem famished, and all the while never letting a bulging, tattered briefcase off his lap.
It wasn't the Sunday noon dinner I had pleasantly anticipated. But there had been a knock on the front door just after noon....
Like most fathers, when my children were small, I used to play a lot of games with them. There were afternoons when I attended an imaginary tea party given by a little girl. There were times when we played "horsey" and one of the kids would crawl on my back and I would give them a ride all over the house. Sometimes they would sit quietly while I read them the fascinating stories of Green Eggs and ...
Author James W. Moore tells a wonderful story that appeared in an Atlanta newspaper some years back. A young mother was trying to get her young son to take some liquid medicine. The little fellow was being stubborn as only a child can. He closed his mouth as tightly as he could, shook his head furiously from side to side and even hit at the spoon with both hands. He was not going to take the medic...
In his book, ON A WILD AND WINDY MOUNTAIN, William H. Willimon tells of being in New Haven, Connecticut as a student at Yale in l970 during the famous Black Panther Trial. Those of you who remember that turbulent era recall the strife, discord and agony that tormented our society.
During the week that the crisis at New Haven reached its peak, Willimon attended a choral mass at a nearby Catholic P...
Several men were dressing in the locker room of an exclusive health club. A cell phone sitting on one of the benches began to ring.
A man picked it up and the following conversation ensued: "Hello?"
"Honey, it's me."
"Are you at the club?"
"Great! I am at the mall two blocks from where you are. I saw a beautiful mink coat . . . It is absolutely gorgeous!! Can I buy it?"
Many of you probably went to a university where one of the hot issues among students was, if the professor’s late, how long do we have to wait? At one university custom dictated that if a professor was ten minutes late, class was canceled.
Well, a professor arrived early one morning for a 9:00 a.m. lecture. He placed his hat on his desk, and went to the faculty room. Before he knew it, it was 9:1...
In the popular cartoon, Marvin, Marvin's mother looks down at little Marvin who has just taken his hammer and broken his toys into thousands of pieces.
"Why must you always break your toys, Marvin?" Marvin thinks to himself and then replies, "I'm just practicing for when I grow up. I'm going to be a broker."
I don't think many of us want to spend our lives being "brokers;" we would rather builde...
Right after World War II, a U.S. Army officer and his wife were stationed in Japan. That country had been devastated by the war. The post-war economy was in shambles. Unemployment approached 60%. People came to the Army wife's door daily looking for work.
One man said that he could do wonders for her garden if she would only give him a chance. So, for the first time in her life, this young Army w...
In one of his books author James Moore takes us back to the old West when the major means of transportation was the stagecoach. We’ve seen persons riding in stagecoaches in western movies. What we might not know is that the stagecoach had three different kinds of tickets--first class, second class, and third class. If you had a first-class ticket that meant you could remain seated during the en...
So when they had come together they asked him, "Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?" He replied, "It is not for you to know the times . . . but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
"Lord, is this the time? Is this the time when you will rest...
There are two important assurances Jesus gave to his followers, which are repeated and reconfirmed in this lesson. First, Jesus told his followers that, being fully human, he would die but that they should not let their hearts be troubled. God would raise him from the dead and he would ascend to the Father from Whom he had come. There, Jesus said, he would prepare for each of us a place in the ete...