L'Amour, Louis 35L'Enclos, Ninon de 7L'Engle, Madeleine 3LaBerge, Stephen 1Laboulaye, E. R. Lefebvre 1LaBute, Neil 1LaCordaire, Jean Baptiste 1Lactantius 5Ladd, Alan 1LaFollette, Suzannea 1Lagerfeld, Karl 1Lagerkvist, Par 1Lagerlof, Selma 1Laidlaw, John 1Laing, R. D. 5Lair, Jess 1Lakein, Alan 2LaLanne, Jack 1Laliberte, Guy 1Lama, Dalai 31Lama, The Dalai 1Lamartine, Alphonse de 11Lamb, Brian 2Lamb, Charles 30Lamb, Karen 1Lamb, Wally 1Lamennais, Felicite Robert de 1Lamm, Richard 2Lamming, George 1Lamont, Corliss 3Lamont, Dan S. 1Lamott, Anne 11Lampedusa, Giuseppe di 1Lamport, Felicia 1Land, Edwin 2Land, Edwin H. 1Landers, Ann 29Landon, L. E. 5Landon, Letitia 2Landon, Letitia Elizabeth 1Landon, Melville 1Landor, Walter Savage 20Landry, Tom 2Lane, Frank 1Lane, Janet 1Lane, Rose Wilder 1Lang, Walter 3Langbridge, Frederick 1Lange, Christian Lous 6Lange, Dorothea 2Lange, Jessica 3Langella, Frank 2Langer, Susanne 1Langmuir, Irving 2Langtry, Lillie 2Lanier, Sidney 3Lanne, Jack La 1Larcom, Lucy 2Lardner, Ring 1Larkin, James 1Larkin, Philip 2Larlcin, Philip 1Larmour, M. W. 1Larroquette, John 1Larson, Doug 20Larson, Gary 2LaRue, Dr. Cleophus 1Lasch, Christopher 33Lasorda, Tommy 3Laswell, Bill 1Latham, Peter 2Latimer, Hugh 1Lau, Charley 1Laubach, Frank C. 1Lauder, Estee 2Lauder, Harry 2Lauder, Leonard 1Lauper, Cyndi 1Laurier, Wilfrid 1Laut, Agnes C. 1Lautenberg, Frank 1Lautreamont, Comte de 1Lavagetto, Cookie 1Lavater, Johann Kaspar 15Law, Bonar 2Law, Donald 1Law, Fischer's 1Law, Gadarene Swine 1Law, Grabel's 1Law, Putt's 1Law, Vernon 3Law, Welter's 1Law, William 9Law:, Brinkley's 1Lawes, Lewis E. 1Lawlor, Burt 1Lawrence, Brother 3Lawrence, D. H. 64Lawrence, David Herbert 1Lawrence, James 1Lawrence, T. E. 3Lawrence, T.E. 1Lawrenson, Helen 2Lawson, E. 1Lawton, C. R. 1Laye, Evelyn 1Layne, Bobby 1Layton, Jack 1Lazarus, Arnold 1Lazarus, Emma 2Leach, Edmund 1Leach, Penelope 1Leach, Reggie 1Leach, Robin 1Leacock, Stephen 16Leahy, Frank 2Lear, Norman 1Leary, Denis 1Leary, Timothy 6Leavitt, Robert Keith 1Leber, Louise Health 1Leblanc, Georgette 2LeBlanc, Matt 1LeBoeuf, Michael 1Lebowitz, Fran 17Lec, Stanislaw 5Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre 1Lee, Ang 3Lee, Bill 1Lee, Blaine 3Lee, Bruce 19Lee, Gerald Stanley 1Lee, Gypsy Rose 1Lee, Hannah Farnham 1Lee, Harper 2Lee, Robert E. 16Lee, Stanislaw 4Lefevre, Georges 1Lefkofsky, Eric 1Legion, French Foreign 2LeGuin, Ursula K. 11Lehmann, Rosamond 1Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher 2Lehrer, Tom 1Leibnitz, Baron von 1Leibniz, Gottfried 2Leibovitz, Annie 3Leigh, H. S. 1Leigh, Henry S. 1Leigh, Vivien 1Leighton, Robert 1Leimbach, Patricia 1Leith, Prue 1Leland, Charles C. 1Lem, Stanislaw 5Lemley, Bill 1Lemmon, Jack 3Lemon, Bob 1Lemons, Abe 2Lenclos, Anne De 1Lendl, Ivan 2Lenin, Vladimir 2Lennon, John 12Lennox, Annie 5Lennox, Charlotte 2Leno, Jay 5Lenzkes, Susan L. 1Leo, Art 1Leo, Pope 2Leonard, George 1Leonard, John 3Leonard, Sugar Ray 1Leopardi, Giacomo 7Leopold, Aldo 6Leopold, Prince 1Leriche, Rend 1Lerner, Alan Jay 2Lerner, Harriet 1Lerner, Max 3LeRow, Caroline Begelow 1Lesage, Alain-Rene 1Leschak, Peter M. 1Leslie, H. T. 1Lessing, Doris 13Lessing, Gotthold E. 2Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 5Letterman, David 4Letterman, Elmer G. 2Leunig, Michael 1Levant, Oscar 11Levenson, Ada 2Levenson, Sam 11Levertov, Denise 1Levi, Edward 1Levi, Eliphas 1Levi, Peter 1Levi-Strauss, Claude 4Levine, Stephen 1Levinger, George 1Levinson, Leonard L. 1Leviticus 2Levitt, Arthur 2Levitt, Theodore 1Lewes, G. H. 1Lewes, George Henry 10Lewin, Kurt 2Lewis, Anne 1Lewis, C. Day 1Lewis, C. S. 92Lewis, C.S. 8Lewis, Carl 4Lewis, Carol 1Lewis, General 1Lewis, H. Bertram 2Lewis, Jerry 5Lewis, Joe E. 6Lewis, Juliette 1Lewis, Richard 2Lewis, Sinclair 6Lewis, Stephen 1Lewisohn, Lewis L. 1Ley, Robert 2Liberius 1Libeskind, Daniel 3Lichtenberg, G. C. 12Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph 28Lichtenstein, Roy 1Lichtwer, M. G. 1Liddell, Eric 1Liddon, H. P. 1Liddy, G. Gordon 2Lidman, Sven 1Lieberman, Gerald F. 1Lieberman, Susan 1Liebling, A. J. 2Liebman, Joshua L. 3Light, Roger Zelazny in Lord of 1Lightfoot, Joseph Barber 7Liguori, Alphonsus 3Lima, Lucimar Santos de 1Lima, Saint Rose of 1Limbaugh, Rush 1Lin, Maya 1Lincoln, A. 4Lincoln, Abraham 134Lincoln, Blanche 2Lincoln, Mary Todd 2Lincoln, Victoria 1Lindberg, Carter 1Lindbergh, Anne Morrow 30Lindbergh, Charles 13Lindbergh, Charles A. 1Lindner, Robert 1Lindquist, Raymond 1Lindros, Eric 1Lindsay, Gordon 1Lindsay, Howard 1Lindsay, Vachel 1Lindsey, Ben 1Lindsey, Hal 1Lingsley, Charles 1Link, Henry 1Linkletter, Art 1Linnaeus, Carolus 1Lint, Charles de 8Linz, Phil 1Lippmann, Walter 14Lipsius, Justus 1Lipson, Benjamin 1Lisieux, Therese of 8Lisle, Rouget de 1Liszt, Franz 4Litchfield, Paul W. 1Liter, James 1Litteton, Mark R. 1Little, Mary Wilson 2Littre, Emile 1Lively, Penelope 2Livingstone, Belle 1Livingstone, David 3Livingstone, Sir Richard 1Livius, Titus 2Livy 6Lloyd, C. F. 1Lloyd, Harold 1Lloyd, Marie 1Lloyd, Robert 1Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn 1Lock, William J. 1Locke, John 26Locke, William J. 1Lockyer, Herbert 2Lodge, David 2Lodge, George Cabot 1Lodge, Henry Cabot 3Loeb, Sophie Irene 1Logau, Friedrich von 1Logue, Donal 1Loiseau, Bernard 1Lombardi, Vince 24Lombroso, Cesare 1London, Jack 2Lonergan, Bernard 1Long, Earl 1Long, Haniel 1Long, Kermit 1Long, Nancy 1Long, Shelley 1Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 91Longhurst, Henry 1Longworth, Alice Roosevelt 5Loo, Tristan J. 1Loon, Hendrik Willem van 2Loos, Adolf 1Lopez, Al 1Lopez, Barry 1Lorca, Fedirico Garcia 1Lord, Bette Bao 1Lord, Peter 1Lord, Shirley 2Lorde, Audre 12Loren, Sophia 8Lorenz, Konrad 1Lorimer, George Claude 1Lorimer, George Horace 3Lott, Trent 1Lotz, Louise 1Loughrane, John P. 1Louis, David 1Louis, Joe 1Loukes, Harold 1Lovasik, Lawrence G. 5Love, Christopher 1Love, Courtney 1Lovecraft, H. P. 5Lovelace, Richard 1Lovell, James A. 1Lover, Samuel 4Lowell, A. Lawrence 1Lowell, Abbott L. 2Lowell, Amy 4Lowell, Francis Cabot 1Lowell, James Russell 59Lowell, Percival 1Lowndes, William 1Lownes, Victor 1Loyola, St. Ignatius of 4Lozoff, Bo 1Lubbock, John 9Lubbock, Sir John 1Lucado, Max 4Lucan 4Lucas, Charles L. 1Lucas, E. V. 3Lucas, F. L. 1Lucas, George 4Luce, Clare Boothe 12Luce, Henry R. 2Luchies, Vernon 1Lucius 1Luckman, Charles 1Lucretius 1Lugosi, Bela 3Lukkoor, Raji 1Lund, Robert S. 1Lunden, Joan 4Luntz, Frank 1LuPone, Patti 1Lupton, D. 1Lush, Jean 1Luther, Martin 68Lutzer, Erwin 1Luxemburg, Rosa 5Lye, Thomas 2Lyell, Charles 1Lyly, John 8Lyman, Frank 1Lynch, David 1Lynch, John W. 1Lynch, Peter 1Lynd, Helen Merrell 2Lynd, Robert 4Lynd, Robert Staughton 4Lynd, Robert Wilson 1Lynde, Paul 1Lynes, Russell 2Lyon, Bill 1Lyon, Mary 1Lyons, Jimmy 1Lyons, Kay 1Lythgoe, Nigel 1